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On new years you called Jenna from Brazil. She was with a couple of friends, so you were brief, just wishing her a great new year and for her to take care.

You were having fun all the way over Brazil, the weather was hot, you made a couple of friends, and you were spending time with your parents, which was always good.

You missed Jenna a lot, specially just talking to her. She would call shortly everyday to say hi, but only once a week you would talk for hours and catch up on things. She would be heading to New Zealand soon and you would go back to the USA shortly as well.

One night you went to a dance club with your new Brazilians friends. They insisted so much, you tagged along. You didn't dare say anything to anybody about Jenna. You just told your parents you were seeing someone and that they knew her, but they didn't insist, they knew you'd tell them whenever you were ready.

Jenna was on a five hour difference time zone.
Around 3 am in Brazil, which was around 10 pm in Los Angeles, Jenna FaceTimed you.

You were drunk, and the loud music from the club didn't let you hear it the first time.

She called two, three times. You still didn't listen.

Your friend, blonde, thin, nice and sweet girl named Renata, approached you.

"Hey y/n/n. Do you want to come outside and have a smoke with me?"

"I fucking hate smoking." You shouted over the music.

"I have a joint, come on." You were reluctant at first, but she grabbed your forearm and dragged you outside, the music fading a little from the background.

You felt your phone vibrating in your back pocket and you grabbed it. Saw there were 4 missed FaceTime calls and that Jenna was calling you right now.

You answered, still clearly drunk, your speech a little altered.

"Heyyyy baby." You answered, Jenna looked mad, her eyebrows were frowned and she remained silent.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you calling. We're at a club and the music was so loud."

"Are you drunk?" She asked.

"A little yeah."

"Hey who are you talking to?" Renata creeped up behind you holding a lit joint.

"My... best friend. This is Jenna. And this is Renata."

Jenna kept her mad face, and faked a smile to the blonde. She was a really damn good actress after all.

"Hi, nice to meet you." You could tell she was mad, but didn't really know why. It wasn't like you were up to no good.

"She is more than your best friend." The blonde teased you.

"Shut up, let me talk to her." You turned around to have a little privacy.

"Hey beautiful. I'm sorry. How are you? I miss you so much." You told her and her face softened.

"I'm fine. I miss you too. I'll let you enjoy your party there."

"No no no. Let's talk. I'm here." Jenna smiled at you through the phone.

"It's okay. Just don't let this blonde girl steal you."

"Heyyyy, are you jealousss?" You were laughing and Renata walked up to you, putting her chin on your shoulder from behind.

"Who's jealous of what girl?"

"Heyyy, go talk to your fiancée. And let me talk to my girlfriend."

"Ohhhhh so she is your girlfriend." The blonde girl teased you, and poked your biceps.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now