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A/N: hello there. Since today is my b-day, this is my gift from me to you. I'm very insecure about this chapter, cause SMUT WARNING. Hope you like it.


January 28, 2023

You were at your desk, going through some important work plans, when your phone buzzed with a text from Jenna. Your heart raced. You haven't heard from her for 8 days ever since she called you about Percy.

Jenna: Hey, can I come over? I really want to talk.

You hesitated, glancing at the clock. You were swamped with work and knew if she came over your mind would be on her the rest of the day.

Y/N: Hey, I'm really busy with work today. Can we maybe talk later?

There was a pause before your phone buzzed again. You could feel your palms sweating anxiously waiting for her reply. You missed her.

Jenna: But it's Saturday. :( Anyway, even while on a break, we're still friends, right?

Your heart ached after reading that word, friends. You were friends before, but going back to just that after everything you experienced with Jenna would drive you insane. Yet, you didn't want to lose her.

Y/N: Of course.

Jenna: Good. There's a birthday party tonight for Kid Cudi. Would you like to meet me there? I'd love to have you there.

You bit your lip, contemplating. You knew things had been strained, but you didn't want to give up on the possibility of reconciliation, even though a celebrity party wasn't the best place to make up.

Y/N: Do you want me to go?

Jenna: I do. So? :)

Y/N: Can I bring a friend so I'm not alone while you're mingling?

Jenna's reply was almost instant.

Jenna: Sure, bring whoever you want.

You couldn't help but smile, you would be seeing the girl you loved tonight. Shaking off the feeling, you texted Ana, your friend and coworker, about tonight. Ana, always up for some fun, agreed eagerly.

Ana: Let's make this interesting. I'll help make Jenna realize what she's missing out on.

You rolled your eyes but agreed, knowing Ana's intentions were in the right place.


That evening, you arrived at the party with Ana. The house was buzzing with energy, and the crowd was a mix of celebrities and industry people, most of them you had no idea who were.

You knew Jenna had worked with Kid Cudi on the movie X, but you've never met the guy before. You felt like an intruder entering the party, good thing your name was on the security's list.

You spotted Jenna across the room, looking stunning wearing a white blouse with a deep neckline, which was slightly unbuttoned, revealing a bit of her black undergarment. She had black pants on, and her famous headphones resting around her neck.

Her hair was styled in loose waves, and she had a bright, genuine smile on her face. Ana sensed you tense up and followed your gaze.

"There she is. She's gorgeous in person." Even the most straight person you knew could fall for Jenna Ortega. You understood Ana, you've been there.

Ana instantly hooked her hand on your arm, getting closer to you. You assumed she was scared to get lost in the crowd, so you held her close.

Jenna's eyes met yours briefly before she glanced at Ana, her expression tightening, that beautiful smile faded into a fake one.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now