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The next day after the MTV awards took place, Jenna went on with her work trips, while you stayed in California, to take care of your business. You knew it would be a challenging couple of months ahead in your relationship.

The familiar ping of Jenna's text message snapped you out of your thoughts. Her words filled your screen, a welcome interruption to my long and lonely day down in Coachella Valley.

Jen Ortega iMessage
"Hey, love. Just got to Massachusetts. It's beautiful here, but I miss you."

Your fingers danced across the screen as you replied, "Miss you too, Jen. Any idea when you'll have some free time?" You had just seen her a couple of days ago, and here you were asking when she'd have some free time to be with her, needy much?

Her response was quick.

Jen Ortega iMessage
"Not sure yet, babe. I'll keep you posted."

You sighed, your heart aching with the anticipation of what the distance would mean to you two. While the bond you shared was undeniable, the physical separation would be there, specially after spending months together every single day while in Romania.

1 week later

Amid the chaos of your work, you took time off to text your girlfriend. Your heart pounded, and your fingers trembled as you messaged Jenna. You were anxious, and you had no idea why.

You would usually call each other every single night, even if just to say quick wishes of good night, but quality time was rare lately.

"Jen, are you free on the last weekend of the month?"

Jenna's reply came swiftly, a mix of excitement and disappointment.

Jen Ortega iMessage
"Sorry, I'm filming that weekend. I'm really trying, but filming schedule is crazy with ghost face."

"It's okay," you responded, disappointed and went back to work to occupy your thoughts.

1 week later

The night had settled in, and the separation felt more pronounced as darkness blanketed your surroundings. You longed to hear Jenna's voice, to connect with her even through miles and screens. With a sigh, you dialed her number, the anticipation building as you waited for her to answer.

Finally, her voice came through, soft and warm. "Hey, you."

Your heart fluttered at the sound of her voice. "Hey, Jen."

As you spoke, you let your thoughts and emotions flow freely. "I miss you, you know? So much. It feels like you've been gone forever."

Jenna's response was filled with understanding and love. "I miss you too, more than words can say. It's hard being apart like this."

The distance weighed on both of you, but you were determined to make it work. "I can't wait to see you again," you confessed, your voice filled with longing.

Jenna's words were soothing, her voice holding a promise of the future. "I can't wait to be in your arms, to wake up beside you. Soon."

You smiled, feeling the warmth of her affection across the miles. "Good night, babe. Sleep tight."

"Good night, y/n/n. Sweet dreams," she replied, her words carrying the love that kept you both connected even when you were apart.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now