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Days passed by and then weeks. You and Jenna would try to talk every single day, you would try your best to answer her video calls. She would usually call between 10 am Romanian time, which was around 2 pm in LA time, since she was 10 hours ahead of you. Sometimes it would be night for her already, and whenever she would go out with her friends, she would just call to say good day to you and you'd say good night to her. 

It was an easy thing for the first couple of weeks. You missed her like crazy, and you'd let her know once every week. You virtually met a couple of her costars, Emma, she was cute and very sweet, Georgie was nice, very easy going, Hunter was so sweet, he was the closest to your age, so you exchanged a couple of words with him. The others were just introduced and were being polite. All the time Jenna never labeled you directly to them, she would just call you a very old, close friend. Indeed you were. 

There was this one long blonde haired kid you never got to meet through video call, but Jenna told you his name was Percy. For some unknown reason you felt weird about this dude, he seemed off, kind of a bully, but you pushed this feeling aside and never asked the brunette about it.

Jenna's features started to look more and more tired as the weeks passed by. On multiple occasions she called you and just cried for minutes straight, and her reason she just told you she was exhausted. It broke your heart to just see Jenna like that. Her normal usual self would be light, and happy, and even a little shy, but now a days she seemed worn-out and just plain sad.

When you decided it wasn't going away, you just called Edward and Natalie up and discussed what they could do about it. They also shared with you that she would often call them while just bawling her eyes off, she was tired and she put too much pressure on herself.

You guys decided to come up with some way to help her, she needed a support system right away.

Your work schedule was crazy, you had a couple of company's logistics problems to figure out every single day. Your mom and dad were back in the States to help you out so that made it a little easier. Still on top of that, you spent the majority of your days thinking about Jenna.

You would spend most of your days alone in your apartment in downtown LA. On the weekends you would head back to Coachella Valley to plan things out with the Ortega's, and just think of ways on how to help Jenna.

It was like old times, you messing around with the kids, and playing with the youngests and also talking with Ed and Nat. Jenna was always missed, by every one. And everybody was worried.

As you grew more concerned about the brunette girl, you also started to get really jealous about the long haired dude. On the weekends Jenna'd call and she was with her cast members, he almost would be every single time very close to her, too close for comfort. You knew Jenna was a touchy-feely person, but only if she had gotten intimate and developed a friendship with you, otherwise she was an awkward kid around unknown people.

You watched her tense up whenever he was around her, but still you didn't ask anything, you knew she already was taking too much. She had so much going on, you honestly didn't know if she could keep her sanity for so long. 8 months was too long.


After much planning and talking to the Ortegas, you guys had come up with a plan. Jenna needed a support system, instantly, and since Ed and Nat had others kids and jobs to keep up to, you all came to the agreement that it would be better for her and her sake that you go stay with her in Romania. Of course you'd have to work away from home, but your parents would help you out. Everything had been settled.

You all wanted to surprise Jenna, so she could have one less thing to think about. You booked yourself a flight all the way to Romania. A 16 hour flight from LAX all the way to Bucharest, stopping midway in Paris. 

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now