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After going to visit Jenna in North Carolina you guys never talked about what it meant to your friendship the fact that you kissed in private now.

You didn't act like dating, but you definitely didn't act like just friends anymore. It was weird, yet good.

You both didn't feel the need to talk things through. Why make easy, light things, heavy and complicated by labeling it?

You spent a couple of days with her over in North Carolina. Every night having a make out session like the first one. Once she wrapped up shooting, you both headed home to LA for a couple days of rest before Jenna would head to New Zealand to film a new movie called X.

You took the plane back to LA with Jenna beside you. You kept holding her hand all the way back on the flight, you listening to your own music and hers to her own.

Once you arrived in the city of Los Angeles, at around 7 at night, you grabbed your car you left it parked in the parking lot, and helped Jenna with her bags. A couple of people asked to take pictures with the beautiful brunette you were accompanied with.

You just smiled and waited politely, even offered to take a couple of pictures for them. You could see Jenna was exhausted, she has been working none stop for a couple of months now.

Once you guys made it to your car, you put all the suitcases inside the trunk, and got in the driver's seat.

"Can you take me to your house and then I'll ask my mom to pick me up there?" She asked smiling.

"No, I'll drive you to your house, and then I'll go to my parents house there." You placed a kiss on her cheek and reared the car into the street.

"It's a 2 hour drive you crazy." She grabbed your hand that rested on the armrest.

"I don't care. I'm not gotta make your mom drive 4 hours. Also God forbid you take an Uber there. Told you I'm here for you, anytime." You watched as she leaned over her seat and pouted her lips together while looking at you.

You met her halfway and pecked her lips.

Jenna put her playlist on your radio and reclined her seat a little bit. 30 minutes into the highway, she was fast asleep. Apart from Jenna's deep breaths every now and then, and the music playing very low on the stereo, the 2 hour drive was silent.

By 9:15 pm you pulled up on Jenna's parents driveway. You debated between waking her up or bringing her up bridal style to her own bed. But then you realized you guys stayed on a flight full of people for more than 6 hours, and airports were dirty as fuck and well COVID.

You brushed the hair that had fallen over her face, and called out her name very lowly. "Jen, we have arrived. Do you want me to carry you inside?"

She yawned, rubbed her hand on her eyes and just nodded. You laughed softly, getting out of the car and opening the passenger car door. You placed your chin on her shoulder, wrapped her arms around your neck, placed both your arms tightly around her waist and raised her up. As soon as her weight left the car seat, she helped you by hooking her legs around your torso and arms around your neck tighter.

It was like she was a baby gorilla, holding on to dear life. She was so precious, you just wanted to put her inside a jar and protect her from all harm in this world.

You rang the door bell twice and Natalie opened up soon enough.

"Oh my God. Hey guys. My baby girl. Y/n/n. How are you? I thought you were only coming tomorrow." You stepped inside, took off your shoes by kicking on the heels, and turned to Natalie, Jenna's mother.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now