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Next day Jenna woke up extremely early and you decided to join her, even if you were exhausted from the long flight hours. You wanted her to know that you were here to support her.

She had woken up very silently and walked to the bathroom to get ready. You got out of bed and followed behind her, she was a little shocked.

"Hey y/n/n. You should sleep in. I'll be back by lunch time real quick. We can eat something the crew gets us." You wrapped your arms around her waist from behind, watching her reflection in the mirror.

"Okay. I'll wait for you then." She turned around still in your arms and touched her lips on yours very gently, lingering for a few seconds before pulling away.

In 5 minutes she was ready and on her way. You grabbed your AirPods, put them in your ears, chose an upbeat playlist and decided to clean the whole apartment. You knew from past experiences that if you're anxious and you're living in a messy environment, you'd most definitely get worst.

You started by putting the pile of dirty clothes on the same place. You made the bed. You washed the dirty dishes. You threw away the trash. And you even put all the clothes in the washing machine, which was located on an external corridor nearby.

As the clothes were drying you sat on top of the machine and just went through social media. Just silly stuff, mostly cooking videos. You hated to cook so you quite didn't understand how Instagram would always show you cooking videos.

As you continued to wait, a blonde girl walked in. You recognized her instantly, Emma. She recognized you as well. You took off your AirPods and got down from top of the drying machine.

"Hey. Jenna didn't tell me you were here. So nice to finally meet you." The blonde girl looked so excited to finally meet you. You didn't know why, apart from dating Jenna, there was nothing special about you.

Shit you were so awkward with people you just met.

You were so nervous. You extended your right hand in front of yourself, "Hey Emma. Nice to meet you too. Jen didn't tell you cause I surprised her." She took your hand and pulled you into a hug.

"I'm a hugger." You politely hugged her back and smiled at her once she pulled away.

"You guys are so cute. I'm not shooting today, so if you get bored, I know all the fun places to hang out. Or if maybe you just want to sneak in around shooting, just give me a call, Jenna has my number." Emma spoke with rapid-fire enthusiasm, her words flowing like a lively stream of happiness.

"I'll keep that in mind. I'll just get these clothes and finish organizing Jen's room. She'll probably be back soon. Nice to meet you again, have a good day off Emma." You picked up all the dried clothes with a large basket, smiled sweetly at the younger blonde girl and walked back to the apartment as she walked the opposite way.

At around midday, Jenna opened the front door, dressed like Wednesday Addams. It was cute, but it was kind of weird for you. Such a familiar face right in front of you, but completely different still. She was even walking differently, you assumed it was her character's walking patterns.

As she looked around the room and gasped, breaking out of character. You looked at her with proud eyes, and a puffed chest. You did it all by yourself.

"Holy shit. Thank you so much, I hadn't realized how messy it was until now." She walked up to you and kissed you, her lips were cold against yours, cause outside was a little chilly. She must have been shooting on the outside.

"You're very welcome. You can count on me for whatever you need. I'm here for you." She nodded and kissed you again.

"We should get going. I only have about 1 hour." The brunette took you to a sort of set up cafeteria. The whole crew was eating there. As you both stepped inside, you saw the same blonde girl from earlier waving at the brunette beside you. You both walked over to her and sat down on her table. On a table nearby you recognized Georgie and Joy.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now