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December 31, 2022

As the year drew to a close, you and Jenna found yourselves at a New Year's Eve party hosted by one of Jenna's industry friends. The vibe was casual, with everyone dressed in comfortable attire, ready to welcome the new year with joy and laughter. Jenna had insisted that you join her, wanting to start the new year on a positive note after the rough patch you had both been through. You had promised to meet her later after hanging out with sobre friends.

The party was in full swing when you arrived, the room buzzing with energy and excitement. Jenna's costars from "Wednesday" were there, including Percy and Georgie. The place was packed with people, a lot of familiar faces from the cast. Music was loud. The alcoholic drinks present, even if most of them weren't even able to legally drink.

You noticed Jenna immediately, looking effortlessly beautiful in her casual yet stylish outfit. You couldn't help but smile as you saw her laughing and enjoying herself with her friends.

You joined the group, tapping Jenna on the shoulder to grab her attention. She looked up at you, her eyes lighting up. "Hey, babe. I'm so glad you're here."

You kissed her cheek, trying to ignore the knot of anxiety forming in your stomach. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, love." You weren't used to the attention, you were used to backstage and behind the scenes.

The group was lively, passing around drinks and laughing loudly. The alcohol flowed freely, with everyone toasting to the end of the year and the new beginnings ahead. Jenna handed you a glass of champagne, clinking it against yours with a smile. "To us," she said softly while tiptoeing to reach your ear.

"To us," you echoed, taking a sip and feeling the warmth spread through you.

As the night progressed, you found yourself getting caught up in the festive atmosphere. Percy, with his glasses and goofy grin, was being particularly touchy with Jenna, constantly putting his arm around her or leaning in too close. It made your blood boil, but you tried to keep your cool. After all, this was supposed to be a fun night. You just hated how you felt like the third wheel and the side eye the blonde haired dude would give you whenever he touched your girlfriend. He was provoking you, much were sure. You sure wouldn't be imagining, right?


As midnight approached, the countdown began. The room filled with excitement, everyone counting down the last seconds of the year. Your girlfriend grabbed your hand and guided you to a reclusive corner, far from curious eyes.

"Three... Two... One... Happy New Year!"

The room erupted into cheers, confetti flying through the air. You turned to Jenna, who was already looking at you with a soft smile.

"Happy New Year, baby," she whispered, her eyes sparkling, she was on her tip toes to wrap her arms around your neck. You could smell her alcoholic breath again your lips, you just hoped she wouldn't regret kissing you in public tomorrow. You held her close by the waist.

"Happy New Year, Jen," you replied, leaning in to kiss her.

The kiss was sweet and tender, a private moment amidst the chaos around you. You felt the love and connection between you. As you pulled away, you saw the love and commitment in her eyes. "Now, let's par-tay." You laughed and let her go.

The party continued, the group growing more relaxed and boisterous as the alcohol continued to flow. Except from when Percy was touching your girlfriend and jealously kicked in, you were actually having fun.

As the night went on, you found yourself growing more and more irritated. Percy's apparent fling, Katie Douglas, was at the party too, but she seemed oblivious to Percy's behavior, laughing along with everyone else.

At one point, you caught Percy whispering something in Jenna's ear, his hand lingering on her lower back. You clenched your jaw and took a deep breath.

Unable to take it any longer, you silently walked away and grabbed your coat, heading for the door. When Jenna noticed you were leaving, she quickly ran up to you.

"Y/N, wait!" she called, catching up to you in the hallway. "Where are you going?"

You turned to face her, your eyes filled with hurt. "I can't stay here and watch him act like that around you. It pisses me off and you do nothing about it."

She reached out to touch your arm, but you pulled away. "Please, just enjoy the party while I head home. I need to cool off."

The small brunette's eyes filled with hurt. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize how much this was bothering you. Can we please talk about this later?"

You nodded, your heart aching. "Yeah, later. I just need to go home."

As you started to walk away again, Percy walked up to you, a smirk on his face. "Leaving so soon, Y/N? Can't handle the fun?"

You glared at him. "I'm not here for your entertainment, Percy."

He shrugged, his smirk growing. "Maybe Jenna deserves someone who can actually have a good time."

In your head there were two possible scenarios, the first one where you threw a fist at his face, broke his glass and gave him a good quantity of stitches and a scar and the second where you just ignored him and walked away.

His words hit you hard, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of a response. You took the introverted scenario yet again, turned and left the party, feeling your heart ache with every step.

You drove home absentmindedly. The city was alive with celebrations, but you felt nothing but a hollow ache in your chest. By the time you arrived home, it was around 4 am and you just walked straight into bed, discarding your clothes on the way.

You woke up to find Jenna sitting on the bed, her face a little unreadable. You realized it was already early morning and she probably had just arrived. She looked down at you realizing she woke you up, her eyes were filled with regret.

"I'm so sorry, babe," she whispered. "I should have seen how much it was hurting you."

You sat down next to her, taking her hand in yours. "It's just Percy... maybe he's right. Maybe you deserve someone who knows how to have fun and not someone who's insecure around a fuckboy."

Jenna squeezed your hand. "Don't you dare say that. You have nothing to worry about, love. I chose you and I want you. I promise I'll talk to him and make sure he respects you."

You nodded, feeling a small glimmer of hope. "Thank you. I love you so much."

"I love you too," Jenna replied, leaning in to kiss you softly. "Let's put this behind us and start the new year together."

You fell on your back while she was still kissing you. She brushed her tongue against your lower lips and you granted her entrance.

The kiss was sweet, yet desperate. You both wanted to make sure the other knew how much love you both felt for each other.

The brunette straddled your waist and deepened the kiss further, biting your bottom lip.

After everything that had occurred that night, you weren't really in the mood for sex, and that was probably a first, but you didn't know how to turn your girlfriend down without upsetting her.

You broke the kiss and pecked her lips over and over and then all over her face. She laughed and got down from top of you, trying to break free, succeeding.

"Come cuddle. I'm sleepy." You whispered and waited for her to lay her head on your chest, wrap her leg over yours and her arm around your waist. 30 seconds later she was asleep cuddling to you for dear life.

As you held each other, the promise of a fresh start filled the air, and you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together.

A/N: always being the better person. It's just what an introvert does. :) I just want to let you guys know I read and appreciate every single comment! ;)

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now