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2020 came around, you and Jenna became closer after that dinner day. You never told Jenna you broke up with Maria because of her. You decided to be single for a long time after the last couple relationships you had sucked and hurt you.

Jenna was really growing up, not in height obviously, she has been a whole head shorter than you for a couple of years now, but in success, acting skills and in gorgeousness.

In the midst of COVID-19, you took time to yourself and did all of your business work from home. Jenna asked you to accompany her for the shooting of the Fallout movie with Maddie Ziegler, since her parents couldn't go because they had other kids to take care of during the pandemic.

One evening, after shooting was done, you both were inside the hotel room just laughing and joking, until she interrupted you.

"Hey Y/N. I'm really worried because I have a kissing scene with Maddie, and I've never kissed a girl in a movie before," She told you sincerely, "I don't wanna mess it up and have to keep reshooting over and over."

"What's the difference from kissing guys cinematically? You kissed the boy on The Babysitter." You laughed and watched her pace around the hotel room as you were laying on one of the two double beds.

"I don't know. You tell me, you kissed girls and guys before." She laughed nervously at you.

"Never for a movie though." You laughed harder. You could see she was nervous.

"Could you help me please?" She asked urgently.

"Of course I can. What you need my help with?" You asked calmly.

"Can we... like... practice the scene?" She asked you very slowly, you basically choked on air, and coughed a couple times. "Sorry, I heard you say practice."

She didn't answer, just raised her eyebrows.

"Wait, are you serious?" You asked her in shock, she simply nodded at you.

"I don't even know how movie kisses work kid." You tried to argue. "Just don't use your tongue, keep it very still inside your mouth."
She shrugged.

"But..." you started but she cut you, holding her hands together. "Please Y/N/N," she still saw doubt in your eyes, so she continued.

"You do Maddie's role, just lay down, and look at me, I'll do the rest." You were "forced" to agree, cause you would do anything for this girl. Ever since last year, you and her created this unbreakable loving bond, you no longer saw her as a little girl, or a sister, but saw her as an amazing, beautiful, rising star, young women. She was so mature now, to a point where your 6 years difference didn't make much of a gap now, except you could drink and she legally couldn't yet.

She motioned to the floor, for you to lay down, you frowned to which she just said "the scene happens on the floor."

You lay there, stomach up, hands resting on you higher abdomen, head tilted to you left. Jenna lay down beside you and started speaking her lines from the movie called The Fallout.

You didn't know Maddie lines, so you just did what Jenna asked you to do, lay there, look at her and wait, when the moment comes, don't use tongue. Copied that.

"What is going on inside this pretty head of yours?" She poked the tip of your nose, you looked down at her beautiful, full lips. Fuck. God, only now you saw how kissable they were, and how grown she was.

You looked up again to her brown eyes, a feeling in your stomach, very similar to butterflies flying around inside. You watched as her eyes looked down at your lips, stood there for a second, looked up at your eyes again and down at your lips.

Your breathing was a little heavier, lips slightly opened, the air coming out slowly but unsteadily to match your heartbeat.

Suddenly you felt Jenna's lips touch yours, very softly. Those butterflies now were all over the place. You felt her kiss you again but now with her lips parted, for a second your tongue forgot what was meant to do, and it brushed on her bottom lip very lightly for a slip second, but you forced to stay still again. As she faked deepened the kiss, you felt her throw one leg over your body, as she straddled you, her lips now pressing harder on yours. You felt her warm hand touch your left cheek, as you let your hands get tangled in her brunette hair, which was up in a messy bun.

You were so lost in this fake kiss, you complete forgot where you were, and what you were meant to do. Your tongue created a life of its own as it slowly entered Jenna's mouth the next time she deepened the "fake" kiss.

You braced mentally for her to pull away from the kiss and be mad you ruined her training, but to your fulfillment and luck, Jenna's tongue met yours halfway. And just like that you were making out, with her on top of you, each leg on each side of you waist. She tasted like peppermint bubble gum. One of your hand was tangled in her hair and the other went down to her waist. Gosh, that felt amazing, perfect, completing, breathtaking and a little bit wrong, cause that wasn't your role to play right now.

She pulled away slowly and you kept your eyes shut, still trying to process what had happened.

She was a little out of breath "Let's just hope Maddie doesn't use tongue." She let out laughing softly. And just like that you snapped out of it and let go of her completely, gently taking her out from top of you.

What the fuck did I just do? You thought to yourself. You got up and went to the bathroom, closing the door behind you, but not locking it. You rested both hand on the sink top and sighed, quickly got a handful of cold water and splashed your face to regain composure.

This girl was 6 years younger than you. You watched her grow up, what was wrong with you. The rush it gave you and the butterflies you had were magical. But in all levels this seemed wrong. You didn't hear the door open, and Jenna peek inside.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah?" It was more like a question than an answer, to which she smiled softly at you through the mirror image. She wasn't making it weird, why should you? You let go of that feeling and just took a deep breath. "Fine." And answered to her.

"Thanks for helping with that." You just smiled softly and lay down back on your bed, getting on social media on your phone. You actually were just pretending, cause all you could think of was that kiss you just had with Jenna.

"I'm glad I could help. Told you it wasn't different."

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now