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February 10th

Jenna was sitting at the kitchen counter, her phone pressed to her ear as she listened intently to her agent on the other end of the line. You were in the living room, casually scrolling through your work emails.

"Really? Again? I was just there weeks ago." Jenna's eyes rolled up, showing annoyance. "For a fashion event? Fine, I guess!"

You looked up from your MacBook, catching her discontent. She covered the mouthpiece of her phone and mouthed, "I'll explain in a minute."

"Okay, I'll be there. Thanks." Jenna said, ending the call. She turned to you, practically pouting her lips. "Guess what? My agent just told me there's a fashion event in Paris, and they want me to attend!"

"And why exactly are you pissed?" You walked over, wrapping your arms around her small figure.

"Cause last time I was there, weren't good memories. We were on a break. I learned about Percy being abusive, and the PR team just told me to ignore the news. Worst trip ever." She looked so cute and mad, her arms crossed over her chest and her eyebrows furrowed together.

"When do you have to go?"

"February 12th. I want you to come with me. It would be so much fun to explore Paris together and then we'll get to spend Valentine's Day together."

Your heart ached a little, knowing you had to keep the surprise under wraps. "I wish I could, babe, but I have so much work to catch up on. I won't be able to make it this time, I'm really sorry."

Jenna's face fell slightly, but she quickly recovered. "That's okay. Maybe I can ask my mom and Rique to come with me. It would still be fun. Not as fun as with you, but still."

"That sounds like a great idea," you said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible while hiding your true intentions. "You'll have a blast with them." You were pretty sure your cheeks were red from lying straight to her face, but it was for a good motive.

"Yeah, I'll ask them right now." Jenna pulled out her phone and dialed her mother, putting the call on speaker.

"Hey, Jen. What's up? I miss you." Natalie's voice crackled through the speaker.

"Hi, mom. So, I was wondering if you wanted to join me on a trip to Paris. Y/N can't come because of work, and I was wondering if you and Enrique would like to join me instead."

Natalie didn't miss a beat, obviously cause she was on with the surprise. "Of course, Jenna! That sounds fantastic. Although I do realize I am second choice."

"Perfect!" Jenna beamed. "Thanks, mom. I'll see you soon."


The days leading up to February 12th were calm and filled with work, from you and your girlfriend. She had done fashion shows so many times before, she didn't even get nervous anymore. Jenna was busy coordinating her schedule for the trip, while you were secretly arranging your travel plans to Paris. You kept in close contact with Natalie and Enrique, ensuring everything was set for the big surprise.

On the date of Jenna's departure, you drove her and Nat to the airport, making sure to get there on time. You kissed her lips inside your car, cause you couldn't do it in public without the brunette being discovered by some fans.

You helped them with their suitcases out of the trunk. Nat hugged you tight and whispered in your ear, "See you soon."

Next, you hugged your girlfriend, tightly, whispering in her ear you loved her so much.

And off they went to Paris, where soon you'd be too.

February 13

Jenna, Natalie, and Enrique spent the days exploring Paris, visiting iconic landmarks, and soaking in the city's touristic atmosphere. As they stood at the top of the Eiffel Tower, Jenna took pictures with her mother and sent them to you.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now