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A couple of weeks had passed, Jenna went away to North Carolina to shoot a new movie for the Scream franchise.

You had been texting a lot. She was nervous about new jobs, and you always talked her through.

You were at work, resolving some things that were stressing you out, and all you wanted was to just talk to Jenna. She was managed to get you centered again, and chill. Just as a thought transmission, she sent you a picture of her abdomen bleeding and texted you "Come save me y/n/n." You knew she was joking, but still you decided to prank her back and just prove you were the best friend ever.

You booked the first flight from LA to North Carolina just to surprise her. Yup, you were long gone for this girl, to endure a 6 hour flight just to see her, you definitely were too head over heels for her.

You called her manager and got the shooting address for the day, they were in the Studio.

You got in your rental car and drove all the way there. After 10 minutes of trying to get in, and Jenna's manager allowing your entrance, you parked your car and walked all the way to the studio they were in.

You hated being in the spotlight, but you loved being behind the cameras, watching Jenna shine, always a smile on your face, you were so proud of how far she has come.

You made your way into the studio, and took a seat in the back. You watched as she shot the scene inside the house with Ghostface.

You watched in awe, you genuinely felt scared, even if you knew it was acting. It was the best acting you've ever seen in your life.

"Cut. Great Jenna. Let's call it quits for the day guys. Thank you so much, have a great night and we'll be here again tomorrow."
The whole crew clapped and cheered and you stood up. You accompanied Jenna with your eyes as she gave the director a fist bump and her co-stars a hug. There was her fake cut on her abdomen. It looked so real.

She didn't notice you there all the way in the back of the room. So you followed her all the way to her trailer outside. She had by now put her earphones on and was typing something on her phone.

You felt a little bit like a stalker. Oh well, you did come all the way from LA just to see her.

You watched as she got inside the trailer and closed the door behind her. You walked up to the trailer door and knocked once, twice and three times.


You took your phone and texted Jenna's number.

"Hey. What are you up to?"

Jen's new iMessage:
"Hey. Nothing much. Just finished shooting, just tired. Hbu?"

"Knocking on your door."

Jen's new iMessage:
"Haha. Quit playing. What are you doing really?"

"I'm serious. Open up."

You heard as she quickly got up and walked over to the trailer door, and soon you were face to face with her.

"What are you doing here?" She sounded surprised as she embraced you in a tight hug. As soon as you felt her body touch yours, you wrapped your arms around her waist tightly and buried your face on her neck.

Gosh, I missed her. You thought to yourself.

As you pulled away, Jenna took off her earphones and put them on the table.

"You asked me to come save you, here I am then." You smirked as you sat on the couch.

"I was just messing with you, creepy." She had a serious face on, that was Jenna, dark sense of humor.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now