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May 24th

You were in LA, inside your family's company, working. Your girlfriend was in London, and unfortunately this time you weren't able to accompany her.

Jenna has told you that she had some work-related schedule in London and would also be meeting her costar from Miller's Girl, Gideon Aldeon.

You had no news or texts from the brunette the whole day. Maybe it was the time difference, or maybe she was just busy. It was only when you returned to your apartment and checked your social media that the unease began to settle in.

Scrolling through your feed, you came across a post from Jenna's fan account. The photo showed Jenna and Gideon standing close together on a London street, both laughing, drinking wine, and sharing a moment that seemed far more intimate than a mere friendship. Jenna had a cigarette in hand, her foot leaning on the wall for support, and Gideon was leaning in close with her cell phone in hand, their body language suggesting more than just a friendly interaction.

 Jenna had a cigarette in hand, her foot leaning on the wall for support, and Gideon was leaning in close with her cell phone in hand, their body language suggesting more than just a friendly interaction

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You felt a pang of frustration and hurt. You hated smoking ever since a little kid, and seeing Jenna indulge in it made you uneasy. But what troubled you more was the way she was acting around Gideon. You remembered how she had always been adamant about not wanting to come out publicly yet, keeping your relationship private and away from the public eye.

You wondered why Jenna seemed so comfortable with Gideon in this public display, looking down to her lips and holding her hand when listening to some sort of message they were looking at. It felt like a betrayal of the trust you had in her, and you couldn't help but question what was really happening. Was Jenna just not ready to come out with you?

As the evening deepened, you couldn't shake off the images from your mind. The more you thought about it, the more your anxiety grew. You decided to call Jenna, hoping for some clarity.

"Hey, Jenna," you said, trying to keep your voice calm despite the storm of emotions inside you.

"Hi, Y/N," Jenna's voice was cheerful, though you could hear the background noise of the bustling streets.

"I saw the picture of you and Gideon," you began, trying to keep your tone neutral. "You looked pretty cozy with her. And I noticed you were smoking. I thought we agreed you weren't ready to be open about us yet?"

There was a brief silence on the other end, and then Jenna's voice came back, a bit more hesitant. "Oh, that. It's just a photo. We were having a good time, that's all."

"You know how much smoking is bad for your health," you said, your frustration seeping through. "And it's not just that. You're acting like you don't care about actually being in a serious relationship. I thought we were on the same page about this."

Jenna sighed. "It's not a big deal, Y/N. I'm just hanging out with a friend. There's nothing more to it. You're just being insecure."

You felt a mix of anger and sadness. "I don't know, Jenna. It just seems like you're crossing lines that we agreed on."

After the call ended, you sat on the couch, staring out at the city lights. You felt a heavy weight on your chest. The image of Jenna and Gideon together kept replaying in your mind, and you couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

You tried to focus on your own thoughts, reflecting on Jenna's behavior. Her closeness with Gideon, the public display of affection, and the casual smoking all seemed to contradict the person you had come to know. You couldn't ignore the growing doubt that perhaps she wasn't as committed to your relationship as you had believed, or maybe she just didn't want to come out as gay with a "normal", not in the business person.

The next day, you decided to talk to Jenna again, so you waited for a decent time difference between LA and London and called her.

"Jen, I need to talk about what happened yesterday," you said after you both greeted each other dryly.

"I know you saw the pictures and the videos. I'm sorry if it looked bad." She sounded hurt, her voice small.

"It's not just the picture," you said, taking a deep breath. "It's about us, and where we stand. I feel like you're not being completely honest with me about coming out. Cause you seemed pretty ready to come out with her yesterday."

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Y/N. It's just that things are complicated right now, and Gideon is just a very good friend. "

"Complicated?" you repeated, your voice rising. "You're saying that smoking and flirting with Gideon is just a way to deal with complications?"

"I'm sorry. I know where you stand. It's not about Gideon or the picture. It's about me figuring things out."

You shook your head, feeling a mix of disappointment and resolve. "I need to know where we stand, Jen. When I'm committed to something or someone, I'm in it 100%."

Jenna sighed on the other side of the line. "I don't have all the answers right now."

You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. "Alright, fine."

Jenna's voice cracked "I'll call you later. I love you."

Your heart felt heavy, knowing that the conversation was just the beginning of a more complex topic. Were you the complication she meant, and that's why she was smoking and drinking with Gideon?

You hoped not, but yet our insecure self couldn't but feel like it.


A/N: hey guys, here it is. Light drama. After yet another party, with myself being drunk right now, here's another double update for you all. Cause you deserve it ;)

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now