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October 19 - Universal Studios' Horror Nights

There you were, the most antecipated event of the year. Well, almost. It wasn't the 31st of October yet, but it was the next best thing.

Jenna had just invited her whole family to visit Universal Studios' Horror Nights. Her siblings were excited and you were shaking with anxiety.

You couldn't wait to be frightened, to feel your heartbeat increase inside your chest, to have it almost coming out from your mouth. You've gone to Horror Nights for a couple of times, and each new time you went, it only got better.

After Jenna took some promo pictures at the front, off everybody went inside Universal Studios.

People everywhere, excitement filled the air.
Aaliyah was walking beside you, holding you arm for dear life. She was very easily scare, and her twin brother, Markus, started to scare her even more, hiding and popping out in front of us unexpectedly. Since Jenna was a celebrity guest, she took the lead along with a guide lady, who you couldn't listen to anyway.

The night unfolded with each haunted maze intensifying the thrill. Aaliyah's grip on your arm tightened, you could feel her long nails leaving a mark on your skin, this would hurt later on.

As you stepped out of one particularly intense maze, Aaliyah exclaimed, "That was insane! I can't believe I survived. Holy shit!"

"Yeah, my arm could tell you were alive." You messed with her, and she slapped you playfully.

"Hey stop hurting my girlfriend, she's already protecting you dumbie." Jenna hopped on the joke.

"Ohhh so protective, aren't you?" Markus made the girliest voice he could manage and earned a laugh from everyone.

Isaac chimed in, "Now let's find the next one. I heard it's even scarier."

As the group entered the next maze, you watched your brunette girlfriend stay behind to catch up to you. She subtly nodded towards to Aaliyah, silently asking her younger sister to give you two some private time, and so she did, finally giving you skin a break from her nails.

You started to walk side by side with Jenna, all you could hear were screams of terror. Your eyes could barely see much ahead. The tension began to build, and as you followed Jenna into the chaos, the distant screams of terror heightened the anticipation.

She pulled you by the arm into a quiet, empty corner, her gaze locked onto yours, as you could tell by the dimmed lights.

"You know, Y/N, there's something about the fear in the air that makes everything a bit more... exciting." The brunette whispered in your ear, which sent a shiver down your neck.

You raised an eyebrow, playing along. "Exciting? I thought it was all about being scared out of our minds."

She leaned in, her voice still a soft whisper. "Maybe for some, but I find the suspense thrilling. The unpredictability of it all." Your heart quickened its pace.

The tension was palpable, the world around you fading as you focused on the electrifying connection between you two.

"Besides," she continued, "it's the perfect backdrop for a kiss, don't you think?" You felt your cheeks burn and a smile rest on your lips.

Aaliyah, who had been looking for you two, jumped out of the blue and startled the living hell out of you, making you take a couple of steps away from your girlfriend.

"What the actual fuck, dudes? Oh, were you making out in a fucking horror maze? Creeps."

You rolled your eyes, embarrassed you got caught by Jenna's younger sibling.

The brunette said back in a playful tone, "My tastes are very singular. You wouldn't understand. Why did you come back?"

Your cheeks burnt even more, and you just decided to keep moving forward through the maze and catch up with the rest of their siblings.

"Clearly thank God I did, weirdo." Aali teased one last time, and they caught up with you.

The group rejoined, and the night continued with more scares, laughter, and the lingering warmth of stolen glances between you and your girlfriend in the midst of the scary atmosphere.

The memories created that night became a unique blend of spine-tingling excitement, sweet, romantic moments, and Aaliyah's playful teasing. Life was great.

A/N: I'm just honestly sorry about the complete disappearance. It's hard being 27 and managing work, 2 dogs, a wife, a household, and a business to run, all while sitting down to write and have ideas.

I also sort of just lost inspiration about this, and my hyperfocus lately has been Taylor Swift.

So yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed, still not sure where I'm going with this. Suggestions are always welcome.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now