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Months passed by fast, Jenna never again had a hysterical break down. Of course things started to settle down as she started to shoot those challenging scenes, like the fencing one or even the Cielo on the roof top scene. That one was beautiful to see being shot. She almost broke down crying from joy once Tim yelled "cut" and everybody broke into applause and cheers.

Everyone on set was so dedicated, Tim was so supportive, and Jenna was so nervous. As she nailed a few times, you celebrated her that night. You took her out to dinner at a local restaurant, and just sat hidden at a corner.

You were now officially dating, but only a handful of people knew it. That being your families, Emma, Hunter and a few other closest friends. Everything was perfect, expect for you both being homesick around February.

You became extremely close to Emma and Hunter, to a point where Jenna was a little jealous of you talking to the blonde on a daily basis.

Today was the day Jenna was going to shot the dancing routine she came up with in record time.

You had barely gotten any sleep the night before, cause Jenna was up all night pacing around the apartment, listening to old songs, watching YouTube videos and coming up with a dance routine she was supposed to choreograph weeks ago, and she just simply forgot with everything going on.

So to be the supportive girlfriend that you were, you watched her dance around in her panties and oversized shirt. She looked hot. The worried expression on her face and how she would focus and bite the tip of her tongue as she tried to replicate some dance moves, was cute.

You had to admit it, you were pretty much head over heels with the smaller brunette in front of you.

Early morning, Jenna insisted you went along to the shooting, she said she wasn't feeling very good, and you assumed it was from the lack of sleep the previous night.

You managed to get a much needed 1 hour of sleep back in her trailer as she got all dressed up. You were so tired, you didn't even see her recording a getting ready video for her mom.

After all these months, nobody asked why you were still around, they just assumed you were best friends or you were her assistant, always together

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After all these months, nobody asked why you were still around, they just assumed you were best friends or you were her assistant, always together.

You literally slept sitting down, mouth opened, a couple of snores here and then. Jenna even snapped a couple of pictures to make fun of you later. Once it was time to go, she woke you up and you gasped out loud from her outfit. She looked amazing, in a tight black vintage dress. Wearing all black, per usual nowadays. She looked stunning. You forced your eyes opened, and grabbed a cup of coffee, to make sure not to fall asleep during your girlfriend's dance routine.

You could tell she was exhausted, cause you knew her too well by now. Her eyelids would take a couple of seconds longer to blink and whenever you talked to her about something, she'd take a while to answer it, it was her brain showing sights of exhaustion.

Growing Up - Jenna Ortega x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now