Chapter One | Till Death Do We Part, Or By Lies.

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"And why do you feel that way?"

I slowly sit up, my elbows resting on my knees as I glare at her.

I analyse every feature on her small face, "I don't feel doctor, feeling is weakness."

"But you felt something for her, did you not?" I knew exactly to whom she is referring to, she did not even have to say her name.

"She was different, from her curly hair-her black doe eyes and perfect lips. Her skin was a rich brown colour, much like the mellow-brown light that bathed the forest. Silky and smooth, the glow it had against the burning sunlight did not miss. I claimed her the minute she walked down that isle."

"And describe the word claimed?"

"She was mine but-she was in love with another man."

"And what was his name?"


There was always more that one meets the eyes with

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There was always more that one meets the eyes with.

Secrets and lies than go on by, the time that ticks but never hicks.

Little white lies that circle the inner eye, but did we not all have a secret.

I had only one secret.

And you may think-but everyone always has more than one.

No, I only have one.

It was bigger than any secret anyone could have. Although it might not seem serious to others, my family and the world I live in take it very seriously.

It is.

If you want to succeed in this business, someday you will have to choose between survival and your heart. I didn't make these rules, I was taught them. You think they would get easier and the scary part, it does.

My head raises from my fingers that were wrapped tightly around the bouquet in my grasp, the silky white roses. As my eyes look up, staring at the two huge doors that once opened would be the definition and purpose of my life.

The two guards stood by each corner of the hallway made me feel the nerves of today.

I inhale deeply, closing my eyes for a moment to inhale the importance of this day before finally having the confidence to raise my head. My view is blocked by the fabric of my veil, my father takes my arms in his and stands up straight.

"This is for our family, Athena." My father whispers the words, my jaw tenses as i try my hardest to suck in the tears forming in my eyes. "Remember this was planned since you were young, we have to abide by the contract."

I shake my head, unable to do anything as I throw the bouquet onto the ground and make my way towards the dressing room. I hear my father yelling after me, and my mother chasing me. But once I reached the room, I slammed the door closed and rush my fingers through my hair.

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