Chapter Twenty Three | Love Is Letting Go, Of The Truth.

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Tears were falling down her eyes, and she stepped away from her chair and walked to her desk to grab some tissues. Her sniffles were enough for me to want to leave, "why would he do something like that to her?"

"Because of me."

"You should not blame yourself."

But I should.

"Because of evil, because they were greedy bastards." She sits back down and looks me right in the eyes, her fingers fidgeting around with her skirt. 

"Did you-did you step down?"

"No, I had another plan."


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Again. They forced me to watch it again and again. Every day is a fresh assault. They intended this to make me loathe her, but it hasn't. Darren slams his head against the wall for the hundredth time, "I have a plan." I whisper.

He turns his face to look at me, "I thought we already had one."

"Darren, I need you to protect them. Protect them with everything you have." Darren shook his head, walking towards me.

"No, Luca. No!" I lift myself up from the ground, it has to be done. This is the only plan that would work. I could never let anyone take after me because of one silly mistake of mine. If only i knew the future, maybe things would have been different. Amara safe. Anna alive. Nora safe.

"When they take us to watch the film, you will stay. You do not come. You will go and get the car ready, and then head to the camera room. My father has his hook ups at nine p.m. Be in the camera room, the code is 432156. Hack the camera system, make everything normal. Put in an old tape. I will go and get Amara, and Nora. Head to the car on the east side of the house. And you drive. You fucking drive. I have to get them out of there, and we need to do this."

"But you can die..."

"Keep them safe, promise me to keep them safe." Darren opens his mouth, looking down at his hands. "Darren, I need you as my second in command. This has to be done."

"What do I tell them? This is not the plan we planned. It was meant to be me."

"Nothing, just keep them safe with your life." I hand him the letter, I wrote earlier. "If Amara gets pregnant by any chance, give her this letter and tell her that i have never loved anyone more than I have to her. And whatever happens, she could never come back to Italy every again. I have a bank account under your name in Spain, it has over one billion dollars. Enough for her to not work."

A knock on the door reminds me that I have to still go, Darren tucks the letter into his pocket. I'm already prepared. A proposal that would ruin everything, and one that Amara would rather die than accept. But I promised her safety, and not only did I fail, but I also ruined her dignity.

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