Chapter Twenty Seven | Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall Of Lies.

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"Welcome back Luca, long time no see." Layla smiles brightly, she settles her things onto the coffee table beside her.

"Yes well, I needed to talk because-I don't know."

"So what's the story today?"

"I'm going to tell you what happened the day I found out I had a daughter. That day was today. And I need your adivce."

"Give up their fucking location Luca

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"Give up their fucking location Luca." My dad grabs me by the collar. Yanking me towards me, blood leaking down my back as I chuckle right in his hideous face. It clearly angered him as he nods his head to the man striking me, he did it again. Right into my flesh. "Where are they?!"

"You must be stupid if you think I'd let their location go." He growls loudly, his fingers through his hair as he tries to drag it out. I tighten my grip around the chains as he goes for another.

"Enough!" My father shouts, the man steps back.

"What's the matter? You fucking raised me to be like this, cannot handle your own creation father?" His nostrils flared as he grabs my jaw in his hand, with me on my knees. I still reach the man's head. So, I use my power and stand up, overpowering him. He raises a brow and I yank the chains from the brick walls, one by one. He steps back.

"Guards!" He yells but no one comes. I chuckle shaking my head as I break the cuffs. His back clings to the bars, I tower over him. Grabbing his neck with my hands. "I am your father!"

"You killed my sister, raped my wife and abused Nora. No one's coming for you, not a single person." He looks around, my men stand in line as they unlock the cage.

He struggles breathing, but I do not want to kill him. 

I toss him to the ground and slam my fist into his face because I want him to suffer. He takes my wrist and pulls me to a halt, I make certain that his face is indescribable. I make certain that he is in pain. I make sure he hurts. I crouch down, "everything you did to my wife will happen to you, however, this time it will be twenty times worse." His eyes widen, and there it is.

The word I have missed the most.


The taste of the word.

"No, what about Caleb?" He mutters.

"I have plans for every single one of you, everyone in this house who hurt my wife will die a slow, bloody death." Andrew chains my father's hands to the ceiling, allowing him to hang. I slip my shirt off, and throw it to the ground, the house cleaner, Cilia hands me my new shirt. I slip it over my wounds and button it up, staring into my father's eyes.

"You thought Amara was my weakness?" I chuckle gently as I take down my pants. As I change, Cilia hands me the rest of my clothes, and I put my gun strap over my shoulders, tucking in the two guns Andrew offers me. "You're mistaken. She is my fucking strength, not my fucking weakness."

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