Chapter Twenty Nine | Mistakes Are Made But Not Again.

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As I open my eyes, I groan, feeling a throbbing headache. The brightness slamming directly into my eyes causes me to blink as I adapt my vision. "Amara? Hey, how are you?" I sit up straight and fix my gaze on Darren'; disappointment fills my eyes, and he can see it. As a result, he did not say anything else after that.

"Did you know?" I respond, which is not the response he was looking for. He adjusts himself against the door frame and sighs quietly, my lips quivering already knowing the answer from his expression. "Answer me right now."

"I did." He whispers.

"Five years of my life-how could you do such an awful thing!" I shake my head, disgust on my face. I shout, getting up from the bed, to give myself a boost. Tears were streaming down my cheeks. Like the never-ending rain from the sky.

"I was going to-"

"You are a horrible person."

"That is not fair, I told you that so-"

"I felt guilty for five years! I thought I killed him, i thought his blood was in my hands, i thought I killed Charlies father." I grab the pillow and throw it towards him, before throwing another and reaching him. "How could you?" I slam my fists into his chest, wanting to grab his face and bang it against the door.

"I was going to tell you, Amara, I-I-"

"You are a selfish man. How could you? You saw me! I was depressed for five years, why?" I whisper, broken.

"I'm in love with you!" He admits as I step away. Shock. I thought it was just sexual attraction, but i guess he really meant it. "I've been in love with you since the day I saw you."

My eyes became bigger than usual, my hands wrap around my necklace.

However, it did not matter. "Get out of my house," I look away from him and stare out the balcony doors again. "Get out and don't you ever speak to me again, what you did was horrible and selfish. Say goodnight to the Charlie and leave."

"Amara, I didn't mean for this to happen..."

I ignore his comments and brush away my tears, knowing that over the previous five years. My tears were in vain. I did not murder Charlie's father, and I did not have his blood on my hands. I carried a burden of guilt that no woman in the world should.

Along with losing one of my children, I grieved for the most of my life, wasting time I could have spent with my children because of three words.

"Luca is dead"

But in reality, he was alive this entire time and now is sitting in my living room. Waiting for me to come out and speak to him. Darren was in love with me, but i was not. I love Luca but for some reason, everything felt wrong. He is still alive. The man I grieved over for five years, the man who still had my heart, is alive and only a few feet away in the other room.

I assumed he was dead, so fear crept up my arms. He is supposed to be gone! No matter how many times I wished he were not there, I never imagined the day when I would have to confront him.

I look in the mirror, okay, the man you love has come back from the dead and you look like this.

Not a great start. I push open my cupboard before taking out a floral white dress, off shoulder with a split. I slipped on a pair of sandals before releasing my hair from the tie. I brush my brush through it, allowing the curls to sink out then back in.

Then I stood by the door, the one that exposed him on the other side. Him. When I saw his body, I pull down the handle and walk down the corridor. He is glancing at the photo frames with myself, Charlie, Nora, and Darren in them.

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