Chapter Nine | Little Do I Know, It Is A Lie.

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"Her father was right next to you?" Layla asks, I nod my head and slide my blazer off before throwing it to the side.

"He was."

"So why did you not kill him?"

"Because I didn't." She shakes her head, standing up to grab her bottle of water from her desk.

"No, I don't believe you."

"And why don't you?" I ask intrigued.

"I think you did not want to kill him in front of her." I scoff.


Clever little shit.

"She didn't care about him; she did not care if I killed him."

"So why didn't you?" She asks again, alright, she's definitely fired after this session.

"I already told you."

"Why did you not kill him?"


"Because you did not want her to see that evil side of yours, did you? This was not like shooting one bullet as you did with wanted to torcher him for killing your sister. You wanted to make him suffer but not in front of Athena...because you wanted her to love you."

I froze, my eyes locked with her.

Images of Athena spreads through my mind and my jaw tightens in anger, how does she always know what I want to hide? What don't I want said? How does she know?

We sat in silence.

"She could never love someone like me, because she was me."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, there was more to Athena than meets the eye."

Caleb escorts me down the halls towards the trainingcentre where Luca told me to go at five in the morning, I tie my hair into atight ponytail before zipping up my slim jacket

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Caleb escorts me down the halls towards the trainingcentre where Luca told me to go at five in the morning, I tie my hair into atight ponytail before zipping up my slim jacket. "Caleb, we never reallyhad a formal introduction."

"Well, you know my name and I know yours." He chuckles.

"How long have you known Luca for?"

"He's, my cousin." My eyes widen. "Step cousin."

"You and Darren are cousins?"

"Yep, unfortunately," Caleb was nicer than I thought.

"Can I actually ask you a question about Luca's sister...?" Caleb halts in his steps and looks around the hallways, only the maids that were cleaning the mirrors hung on the walls were available.

"I can only answer some Athena...but make it quick."

"What was her name?"

"Anna." He answers. Anna.

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