Chapter Thirteen | Don't Like Buyers, Don't Like Liars.

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"She had a sister?" Layla was becoming more and more intrigued in this story and to be honest, it felt nice to finally tell someone about it. She ended up closing her book and just listening to me, that is all I wanted.

"She did, she had a sister-her father killed her."

"Do you know why?"

"I do know why but that's for later on,"

"How did it feel? Touching Athena, in that moment?" I smile at the thought of it, like a little boy who had his first kiss.

"Free, I took the step and decided to just hold her for a moment."

"How do you think she felt?"

"I had no clue, she looked at me but I pretended as if it was nothing-when really, it was the best thing. Having her hand in mine, I felt...weird." I couldn't really explain how I felt. It was a feeling that was weird, you'd think of holding hands and say-oh that's nothing but to me...

When I held Athena's hand, it was everything.

And that says a lot.

"So what happens next?" Layla asks, her light brown eyes matched her coloured hijab perfectly.

"Something I didn't think would happen."

Friday nights were the worse in my family, my father would bring his friends over for a late-night drink after going gambling for six hours straight

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Friday nights were the worse in my family, my father would bring his friends over for a late-night drink after going gambling for six hours straight. I would sit next to my sister and tell her that everything was okay, that there was nothing to worry about when in reality there was.

Because when my father falls asleep on the couch, his friends find their way to our bedroom.

And my sister would do anything to protect me.

Anything to keep me safe.

Even if it meant risking herself.

"It's okay, we are okay-." She would whisper into my ears; she would force me into the cupboard and lock the door on me. I could however still see everything that happened, the way the two men would pin her against the wall and drag her dress up enough to reveal her body.

Enough for her to silently cry herself to sleep day and night.

I remember it all.

A knock on the door takes me out of my mind, and once it opens Mila comes into view with a big smile. "Come on, we're doing secret Santa." I slide off the couch and make my way into the kitchen where Imani was making another batch of her famous hot coca's.

Once everyone has settled down onto the table, Imani claps her hands to get everyone's attention. Luca was nowhere to be seen, he probably had work or something. "Okay everyone, we are doing secret Santa and because Athena is new-she'll go first."

Caleb pushes the bowl of ripped paper towards me.

And I froze.

"Is everything okay Athena?" Lorenzo asks me, I glance up and my eyes lock with a pair of green ones. Just looking in those eyes somehow relaxed me.

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