Chapter Twenty One | Dungeons Secrets, Cells Truth.

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"A niece? You have a niece?"

"I have a niece." I whisper out shockingly, "and DNA test prove that she was my sisters."

"So did you begin to find her?"

"I did, and I made sure to use everything in my power to try and find her but Caleb was acting weird."

"Almost like he had motive?"

"Almost like that, something in me felt wrong." I touch my heart. "Felt like she was in danger."

It has been two weeks since I have last seen Athena-Amara, I went back to the gala to see if she was still there, but she left

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It has been two weeks since I have last seen Athena-Amara, I went back to the gala to see if she was still there, but she left. I wouldn't blame her. But she lied to me, and I hate liars. "Any word on Amara?" I ask Caleb, he hands me the rest of the sheets.

"No boss, I checked all the surveillances, but she's just disappeared." He speaks.

I push myself off my chair, grabbing my jaw.

"Mr Romano, I think It's time we just let it go. She's left-you did make a deal for her freedom."

I couldn't concentrate on anything he was saying because of the words I said to Amara. Why would I say that? Mostly because of anger, because I felt betrayed that she did all of that and hasn't even told me. That she let me believe her sister was dead.

When she could have told me the truth.

I would have protected her, with everything inside of me. Darren walks in the room and glances over at Caleb oddly, "any sign of her?"

"Well, she has not left Italy at all-not even the city." Darren speaks as he hands me the field of the many people that left Italy from the airport. I skim through each and every name before I flop onto my chair, "Luca, that's a good thing-it means she is in our radius, and we can find her."

I look out the window, for the first time in years I felt weak.

"I think we just let her be." I shoot my head at Caleb; I stand up and grab his neck in my grasp.

"What's your fucking problem? You want me to stop looking for my own wife?"

"Luca let go off him." Darren grabs my wrist; Caleb looks at me and for some reason-I feel like he's hiding something. I know people. I read their minds. He's done something I would not approve off.

"No, I think it's worthless-she left!" I tighten my grip and watch him turn red.

"She's mine. And she could be in danger, so instead of annoying me- GO FUCKING FIND HER!" I throw him to the side; he scrambles to his feet and exits my office. I smash my fist through the glass mirror before grabbing my hair. "I lost her."

"You did." Darren drops on the couch; I turn and face him. "You did not." He fixes.

"What do I do?"

"You find her, I find it oddly weird that she just left. It does not seem like her, she's stubborn." Darren scoffs, I settle down beside him and look down at the watch she broke on our first night.

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