Chapter Twelve | Deny The Kiss, With A Lie

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"Why did you deny her kiss?" Layla asks.

"Because- I don't like being touched."

"I don't believe that for a single second." She shoots back at me.

"Why do you think?"

"Because you didn't want to fall more in love with her, you knew that if she touched you any way then you'd fall right under her. Her touch did something to you, it opened you-made you feel-"

"Free." I fill in.

"Did you not want to feel free?"

"I did, but I did not want her to fall for me- she made a deal for her freedom and a divorce. If she falls for me- she wouldn't want it."

"Meaning she will be nothing but a target from every Mafia."

"Exactly." I whisper.

"You loved her so much, you knew the right thing to do was let her go." I nod. "So did you? Did she leave?"

"Now, what did I say about skipping chapters."

His eyes were just locked in mine, we were sat in separate couches across from one another as Imani hands out warm coca to everyone and settles down beside me

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His eyes were just locked in mine, we were sat in separate couches across from one another as Imani hands out warm coca to everyone and settles down beside me. I take the warm mug from her, "thank you."

"Now let's play charades!" Mila jumps from excitement.

Turns out Mila and Caleb have a child, if anything they had three children! I was more shocked than you are right now, Marcella-Anastasia and Maximus.

They were all around the age of seven and under, and they loved Luca. They actually adored him. The way they took the marshmallows from his mug and chuckled when they got caught. And I could tell that he loved kids more than adults.

More than he would to me?

I had no clue why that thought just slipped in there.

"Okay we need to partner up!" Imani claps her hands, suddenly laughter comes from the hallway. I raise a brow and sit up, "oh darling don't worry, those are just Lucas cousins."

Three guys come into view, "now did we hear charades?" The one in the middle says, Maximus, and Marcella run into their embraces.

"And you must be Athena Grey." I nod my head, standing up to shake his hand but he doesn't offer his.

"I would rather live to tell you, my name." He points at Luca with his eyes, "I'm Lorenzo, that's Gabriel and my brother Mickey." They all looked a little too familiar-

"We're triplets." Gabriel notices, I hum.

"So, triplets run in the genes too?"

"Other than amazing looks, yes."

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