Chapter Eight | Burgers and fries with a side of lies.

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Layla settles down her cup of coffee, "so you made a deal with Athena."

I nod my head.

"For her own freedom, to leave you forever once completed. How did that make you feel?"


"What?" She raises a brow, she obviously thought I'd think something else. "But why? You say you liked her."

"Exactly, the only way to protect her-was really to let her go."

"So you let her go?"

"Let's not skip chapters, she was smarter than I thought-she figured some things out, things I never believed to be figured out."

I knew I shouldn't but i needed to know more about the man I am married too, just as I was about to take a step on the fifth floors stairs-a clap of hands stop me

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I knew I shouldn't but i needed to know more about the man I am married too, just as I was about to take a step on the fifth floors stairs-a clap of hands stop me.

"So where is she? Is she pregnant yet?" My foot settles back down onto the ground and my head turns, I hear my father's voice creaking from four floors down. I release a hefty groan, my fingers rushing through my hair as I slide down the wall.

I begin to ask myself if I should just run away?

My head looks up and locks with the same picture in a new frame this time, I stand up-with my hands behind my back this time as I stare at his sister.

I glance at her the burn on her ankle, then my eyes lock with the silver bracelet around her wrist. I raise a brow, this photo has more than what meets the eye. I feel like i have seen that bracelet before on someone. If only I can understand who.

For some odd reason, I felt like there is more to the story of her murder.

For some reason, I feel like more people were involved.

So, it was two things, either Luca is not telling me the whole story, or he doesn't know that there is a chapter two.

I am going to figure it out.

"Mrs Romano, your parents are downstairs waiting for you."

I walk down the halls, knowing that my parents and Luca's are waiting for us. As I reach the last steps, yelling is heard, and everyone stops on their toes. "How does he know! How does he fucking know!" Luca.

His voice was loud, deep and for somewhat-angry.

I felt a shiver crawl up my spine, but I decide to ignore it and continue to the dining room. I see that our parents have already settled and are sitting in silence. "Good evening." I speak, all their heads raise, and Imani greets me with a bright smile as she stands up. She engulfs me into a tight hug, kisses both my cheeks before walking me to my seat.

My own mother just nodded, and my father continues to speak to Luca's.

I settle down, we decide to wait for Luca-but almost fifteen minutes passed by, and my parents' were hungry. Luca walks in just in time as the food is being settled, he undoes his cufflinks and sits down at the other side of the table.

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