Chapter Fourteen | Tick Tock, Arrives A Lie.

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"So, you admitted it?"

"I told her I don't like liars, so why would I lie to her?" Layla stands up, walking over to her desk as she shuffles through files.

"Because of fear?"

"I fear no one,"

"We already had this conversation before, I want to ask you-you always talk about her in the past tense except for when you say the word 'love'. Why?"

"You know Layla, I like you-a lot. You're clever and you catch onto things really quick."

She prepares for a challenge by folding her arms. Her long cream-colored skirt that reached the floor and her long blouse go together perfectly with her headscarf. She walks over to me and reclines on the couch as I watch her.

"You're going to tell me things about myself."

"Not going to tell, in fact guess."

"Go on Mr Romano." I like this one. "Normally I am not allowed to share my personal life, but I'll let it slide one time."

"Mother of two-"





"Three years."



"Exactly." She raises a brow. "You still love him no matter where he is,"

"Athena died?"

"We'll find out at the end, but she did nearly die-so let's get back to our story."

She used to kiss me goodnight, she made sure to read me my favourite stories before I slept so that the nightmares of the monster never came

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She used to kiss me goodnight, she made sure to read me my favourite stories before I slept so that the nightmares of the monster never came.

She was my best friend.

And now she's dead.

The nightmare came back, I shoot up from the bed-all sweaty.

My heart rate speeding out my rib cage, I look around the darkness and notice that Luca is not here. He has probably gone to work; I slide out of the bed needing some water. Just as I reach the handle of the door, my slippers touch onto something soggy.

I glance down and notice dark blood from beneath the door sinking into my room, my eyes widen as I look around the room.


As I make my way back to my nightstand, I pull open my draw, slide out my gun, and flick it open to check the if it is loaded. I nearly tip toe to the wardrobe and lock the gun as quietly as I can before setting it down on the bed, taking care to make no noise at all.

I slide off my shirt, grabbing my training gear as I hurriedly change into it.

I return to the bed wearing my combat boots, a crop top, tight black leggings, and a tight bun in my hair. I slide the two knives into my thigh strap after stowing the gun in there as well.

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