Chapter Fifteen | Hidden Secrets, In A Lie.

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"I thought you killed Elias?"

"So did I." I answer her.

"So, Elias was still alive? Explain why he came back to kill Athena?"

"He came back to kill Athena because-actually, as I said before-stop skipping chapters. I need to explain to you fully before i go there."

"So, there is some reason."

"And that reason is something you will be shocked by, but everything will add up."

"Where were you? You gave her your word to protect her, and you didn't?"

Layla speaks, sometimes, I think to myself-why does Layla always ask the right questions. Why does she always have to remind me of my feelings?

Maybe because I'm in a therapy session?

I stand up angrily, grabbing my blazer before heading towards the door. You could say I took offence to what she said, because I always keep my word.

It was just one day.

One stupid day.

That I broke it.

I have never in my life broken a word to someone.

"Is this what you do?" She calls out, my hand lingers against the handle of the door. "You run away when things are about to get hard? Or when you have to open up with the way you feel?"

"Layla, that is enough?"

"You pay me five thousand dollars an hour, I am going to make sure it is worth it. So, look at me, and tell me why you broke your word?"

"Five thousand is pity money Layla."

"Not for my children." She shoots.

I turn around, looking at her eyes.

"I broke my word that night, and ever since I have carried nothing but guilt. I promised to protect her against her father's men, she warned me that they would come for her. I went out to get her a necklace from Washington, D.C-she was my secret Santa."

Layla's eyes blossomed.

"What happened to her? Who got shot...?"


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He drops to the floor within an instant, with a wound right in-between his eyes.

I shout loudly while falling to the ground for no apparent cause, and when I look down, I see that my hands are covered in blood.

He shot my thigh.

Tears fill my eyes, the pain felt as if someone was pinching me a thousand times and if not-a million. I could not help but cry to myself, I've handled pain but nothing like this. I slide myself across the floor with both my hands, I try to get to the door but fail.

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