Chapter Twenty Five | Tick Tock, Off Time Goes-Like The Lies.

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My hands never felt the same after that night. It haunted me. The phone rings, I look away from my hands as I hear Charlie's sobbing from behind me. I just finished putting her to bed! I rush to the phone when I hear Nora's school calling; I hold the phone to my ears and take a bottle of milk from the fridge before heating it in the heater.


"Hello, is this Ms Grey?"

"Speaking." I said, shoving the bottle into Charlies mouth, she laughs slapping my hand away gently.

"Hello, Ms Taylor, I am Principal Andrew from St. Catholic. I am speaking for Nora, she said she isn't feeling well." I sigh, rubbing onto my forehead as I look towards the date. I know exactly why she isn't feeling well.

"Right, I will pick her up in twenty minutes." I hang up the phone, Charlie yelling in the background and Nora feeling ill. I, too, wanted to burst out crying. But I'm afraid I can't. I grab Charlie's baby bag, followed by her stroller. I try to kick open her stroller as I open the front door.

Why isn't it bloody opening! "Kicking it won't open it." I blow the strand of hair that fell on the side of my face as I breathe out in happiness seeing Darren stand there. He comes towards me and flips it open as if it was easy, it is not easy!

"Yeah, I know that." He chuckles shaking his head, I give him a soft hug, I feel his arms slide around my waist before letting go.

"How are you Goblin?" We both step inside.

"Nora's school called me."

"What did they say?" I walk to Charlies room, seeing her colouring and drawing shapes on the wall. I groan slapping my head, this is the ninth time.

"Charlie! What did mummy say?" She screams with laughter as she runs past me, acting as if I wouldn't be able to catch up with her in four steps.

"Uncle!" She shouts before hiding underneath his legs, I fold my arms as she sticks her tongue at me. This little rascal, exactly like her father. Look wise too. She has his green eyes, and black curly locks. Her eyebrows are thick and her lashes are full, her skin is tanned. Beautiful. Something I know Luca would call her by.

"They said she isn't feeling well, and we both know why."

"Luca's death day." I rose a brow. "Sorry, that just flowed." I smirk, trying to grab Charlie. "Okay Charlie, how about we go for a walk to visit Nora?"

"Yay! Nora! Picky yuppies!" She flashes her hands out, Darren grabs her and pulls her onto his shoulder. Before leaving the house, I thank the Lord for a second or four and make sure the doors are closed while I stuff Charlie's bag into the stroller.

Then I push my hair back and start walking, Charlie and Darren pretending to be planes alongside me.

She resembles him. I know I'm repeating myself, but I can't get over how similar they are. Luca gave her the same birthmark on her arm. His genes are so powerful that others think I kidnapped her. I take a look down at my necklace.

Closing my eyes as I know he has the other part of it, a tear sinks down my eyes but i wipe it quickly. And let me add the unopened letter Darren gave me when i gave birth to Charlie.

I could not bare to read his words.

As much as i want to.

I cannot.

It would break me.

Ruin me.

"So, I was thinking, leave the kids at my mums and we can go out." He broke the silence, is he asking me out on a date?

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