Chapter Twenty Two | Hicks and Up, Down The Truth.

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"Are we ready to talk about it?" Layla asks.

"Yes, we are."

This is the reason I knew I shouldn't have involved her from the minute I fell in love with her

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This is the reason I knew I shouldn't have involved her from the minute I fell in love with her.

Because they use your weakness to get what they want.

And she's, my weakness.

I am known to be five steps ahead of everyone, and till this day I will continue to stick to that. He thinks I did not notice his words when he told me that she was gone because of the contract. However, I have never told him about that and in fact for a very funny reason-I made the contract.

So how did he know?

He must have ears to the walls.

And he used it to his advantage.

Caleb took Amara.

And he killed Anna.

I glance at the bracelet the maids found under the broken vase from two weeks ago, CALEB AND ANNA. What a shocking surprise? He was after everything I have, he wanted Anna and he couldn't get her, so he killed her. It made sense. I checked all the cameras and noticed that some hours of the day has been deleted.

I got someone to restock it back on a drive, Amara came back-and she came back to tell me that Caleb was the one who killed Anna.

And then Caleb injected her.

He was coming after everything I have, and that included my title. He was going to use Amara as my weakness, knowing that she was it.

Stepping into my meeting room, where Darren and my secretary held the files my eyes lock with my fathers. "What are you doing here?" I grab onto the files of the secretary, checking Caleb's background.

I hear shuffles going around and take another look up, my father is sat down onto my seat with his leg crossed over his thighs. He rests the cane down onto the edge of the table.

"I know where she is." My eyes widen, and i throw the file to the side.

Darren grabs his gun, but I raise a hand to stop him. I need my answers first, then you can kill the son of a bitch. "Well? Where the fuck is she?" I question him.

He was up to something, he said it with a smile. Four men enter my office, standing behind my father as if to shield him from me striking him in the fucking face if he continues to speak. My jaw tenses as anger surrounds my heart.

"Where is she?" I said slowly to get it through his thick skull.

"Caleb was right, you are down bad. This is considered a weakness; Romano's don't have weakness." He growls out, I knew it was him. "So, I gave him authorization to take her and handle her."

"Enough!" I growl. "If you do not tell me where my wife is, so help you God, I will kill you with my bare hands."

"See what I mean? Weak, you are weak. So, for you to become numb and strong again, you will do as I say. I should have never allowed you to marry."

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