Chapter Ten | Pranks And Fights, And Little Lies.

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"How did it feel?" Layla asks.

"How did what feel?"

"Watching her get stabbed, watching someone hold a knife against her." I stand up from the couch, making my way to the view of New York as I sigh. I sip my drink and crack my neck a little.

"What are you trying to get out of me?"

"I'm trying to see what broke you but for us to lead to that, I need more information."

"Why do you need it about her?"

"Because she is the reason you're broken." Layla admits. "Now, what did you feel?"

"Weak. I felt weak because I couldn't protect her, because if this was real then she would have been in so much danger."


"I think that's enough for today."

"I asked how it felt, not how you felt."

"Let's move on. Let's talk about casino night." I shift the subject.

 The hatred that has begun to grow to my husband day and night grew

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The hatred that has begun to grow to my husband day and night grew.

It was casino night today with Lucas family, and the help was putting together my clothes and heels that Luca assigned for me to wear.

Apparently, it was crucial that our first night as a couple in the Mafia world made some statement. A knock on the door is heard and I turn to open it, Caleb stood with a black rectangle box.

"What is this?" I ask him, he steps inside the room and settles it onto the bed.

"Luca sent it for you." Caleb responds before exiting the room, I raise a brow.

I walk to the box, and notice a small card tucked beneath the bow. I slide it out and open it:

L x

I open the box and it revealed another red one, and by the looks of it- Van cleef.

My eyes widen in shock, I flick the box open, and it revealed a green vancleef necklace with matching earrings.

This probably ran twenty grand with just the necklace, why is he being nice? "Mrs Romano, your dress is ready." I look up and smile gently, thanking her as I walk to the cupboard.

The maids help me into my dress, making sure it fit well enough for me to be able to breathe the whole day. The dress was a dark red, almost like the colour of my own blood. My hair was straightened back, decided the curls were not suited for this dress.

"Get the car ready."

"Of course, Mr Romano, right away." My head turns to the door, just before the maids could zip my dress- Luca walks in and our eyes find one another.

"Leave." He speaks, the maids nod and exit the room immidtaley.

He looked so good right now, from his black long sleeve shirt buttoned up-the three buttons at the top left open for his chain to be revealed. His sleeve was rolled up to his elbows and his hair was left messy, he stood tall-and confident as he made his way behind me.

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