Chapter Twenty Eight | Telling Truths And Meeting Lies.

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The beach, I once felt so happy coming here. I felt as if it was my getaway, but my fingers swirl around the ring he wanted to marry me with. He wanted to marry me properly. Just the thought of it makes me go insane. I lift my phone up and go through our photos together. I need him back. I need him in my life.

But he's dead.

But why do i feel like he's still alive?

I can feel him in my heart.

Luca cannot be dead.

The mans un-killable.

"How does daddy look like?" Charlie asks me, I look down at her and smile. Nora continues playing in the water with Lauren and Mia. I graze Charlies hair back, and her green eyes lock with mine.

"Like you, he had dark hair and the greenest eyes in the world. He was a cheeky monkey." I squish her cheeks, she laughs and pushes my hands away before sitting up. "He had your laugh, and your smile." Tears swarm up into my eyes, Charlie stands up and wipes my tears away. I hold onto her tiny hands and kiss them ever so softly. "You have my craziness and my kindness,"

"Is daddy going to come back?" She asks me.


"Yeah, he is going to come back. Daddy made a promise, and daddy always keeps his word." She pushes her head into my neck, I stroke the back of her head.

"Ummy, there's a man staring at us." She groans, I raise a brow and turn my head. No one is there.

"Time to go home!" I stand up, knowing she's most likely tired. We all finish up packing and make our way back to the house, thankfully it was only a few minutes away.

The best thing about Spain is everything is so local. I insert the key and watch the kids rushing to the bathroom, I follow after them. This house is full of women now, the girls are going to grow up with Darren as their only male figure.

I shower the girls and put them into sleep, I shut the doors only a little but enough that I could hear them if anything goes wrong. 

But on a real note, nothing is real. Everything is an illusion.

I grab myself a glass of water and chug it down, i needed a large bottle of wine.

I sat on the edge of my bed, biting onto my knuckles. My door opens and I turn to see Darren walking inside, he settles down besides me and I cradle into his arms.

I look up and see how close Darren face was to mine, and without a second thought of looking into each others eyes. I kiss him. I kiss him so gently but with a need. "Amara, this isn't right." He whispers, pushing me away slowly.

"Please...I need this." I beg almost.

He sighs and kisses me back, as a result, I did something I should not have done. When I pressed my lips against his, he paused for a second before proceeding to kiss me back. I sigh, mostly relieved.

My finger brush through his hair as I moan softly into his mouth, feeling his tongue find my own. I unbutton his shirt, which only had three. "Amara...are you sure?" He asks me, I nod my head. He took my answer.

He slides his shirt over his head, tears brim my eyes as I slip mine off. His hands graze my arms, as he towers over me. My lips trail down his jaw, and when I open my eyes. I am met with Luca's. And this time, I did not want the image to go away.

Luca softly kisses down my chest, towards my stomach. No! Luca, get out of my head! I slide my fingers through his hair, opening my eyes to see green ones instead. I unbuckle his belt as we fall onto the bed. Tears fall down my eyes, i guess it was from all the hurt.

"Amara, hey, why are you crying?" Darren wipes away the tears falling from my eyes, he sighs and stops what he's doing before pressing my head onto his shoulder.

I cried into his arms, feeling bad that I did not give him what we both wanted but he took it maturely and allowed me to cry in his arms all night.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Don't be sorry Amara."

"I want this." I whisper, pressing my lips back against his.

"I don't-you're not in the right state Amara..." He whispers.

Let me be honest: I demolished. Darren cradles me in his arms and kisses the side of my head, and I am astounded that I have never experienced a panic attack. Oh, but those weren't his arms. I wanted Luca to kiss me and tell me everything was going to be fine. I wanted Luca's hands on my shoulders and his lips on my lips.

Nothing felt right.

Everything felt wrong and for that, I burst into tears. "I want him back, I miss him." I cry into his arms, Darrens' jaw tenses a little and his heart beat quickens. He brushes my spine, and allows me to indulge into sleep with his arms around me.

I stare out the balcony, watching the winds crash against each and every tree. The wind, eddied, swirling, and ambient, lifts my hair and makes it dance. A sensation of tranquilly comes over me as I observe the strands at their tether-vortex intersection.

I did not sleep as usual, I stayed awake the entire night, maybe a little sleep here and there but not a full nighter. The sun rose up from the sky, and Nora should be going to school in an hour. Darren's alarm goes off and he wakes up, I pretend to be asleep so he would not question me on anything.

He slowly slides off the bed and shuts the alarm from his phone, "I'll take Nora." I hear him whisper as he exits. I open my eyes and hear him helping Nora gather her things, I sit up slowly, dragging my fingers down my hair. I notice Darren's' phone on the bedside table as soon as I hear the door slam.

I moan when I discover he's forgotten his phone, and I also notice he's forgotten his jacket. Is it true that this man left with his shoes on? Or did he, too, forget? I get out of bed and grab his phone, as well as his jacket.

I raised my brow and went down to pick up a note that had fallen out of it. A very ancient note. I sigh and stuff it back into my pocket before sprinting to the door, my hands gripping the handle.

And everything drops out of my hand.

My eyes widen in absolute shock, my heart completely stops.

He had saltwater and damp pebbles in his eyes. Under an overcast sky, the centre was all pebble, soft reflected browns, extending out to waves of sea blues and greens.

The outer edge was ringed in deep ocean blue, but the overall appearance was of hazel eyes, with the brown parts dominating because they complemented his hair.

Luca is alive.

Standing at my door.

"Mantengo sempre la mia parola, Amara." He fixes his cufflinks.

[I always keep my word, Amara]

My heart beats faster than words can contain and for that, I fall. My head collides with the ground, it couldn't be. No. No!

Luca is alive.



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