Chapter Five | Blond Ladies, and Long Lies.

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"You held a gun to her head?"

"I did."


"Because she broke the contract." I whisper, rummaging around with the chopsticks in my hands.

"But so did you?" I scoff, looking up at her.

"No i didn't."

"Who is Leah?"

"Leah was my second love, but we never did anything." She flicks the long side of her headscarf back behind her shoulders as she scribbles some things down onto her paper.

"And why did you not?"

"Because I keep my word..."

"Hang on? You said second, who was your first?"

"She goes by the name Amara but we'll leave her for another day."


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The bed tilted almost as he slid inside, he has not slept beside me for three days since I heard him speaking to Leah in the office. Moments pass by and my hands slide around the handle of the knife, I slowly slide it out and hold it close to my chest.

I wait a couple of hours until his snores signal me that it is time to complete the plan.

I slowly sit up and shift the blankets to the side, I glance down at him and he has fallen right asleep. I breathe in, and exhale. The palm of my hands began to sweat.

I immediately straddle him and raise the knife before slamming it down-however, a hand grabs the knife before it could slash into his chest. Our eyes lock for a moment and I glance to see blood dropping down onto his black shirt from the palm of the hand wrapped around the knife.

He switches our positions and my back presses onto the mattress, whilst he towers over me-I press the knife against his neck whilst he has a gun to my forehead. Our heavy breaths circling the silent atmosphere, his pale green eyes begin to darken whilst his blood leaks onto my chest.

"You really tried to kill your own husband after four days of being married?"

"You're nothing to me." I growl out, "I hate you!"

"Ouch, my heart." He releases a soft chuckle. "I knew there was more to you than meets the eye." I jerk my knee into his stomach which distracted him, I grab his gun and push him off me as I find my stance on the floor. I aim the gun at him, and he shakes his head.

He stands from the bed, and walks towards me.

He grabs my wrist and lifts it higher for me to reach his head, "shoot me Grey."

"Don't tempt me Luca."

"Do it."

I release the trigger.

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