Chapter Twenty Six | Secrets, Lies, Truth.

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I press the phone against my ears, staring into the unknown of my balcony.

"This is Luca Romano, leave a message if it's important. You have reached automated voice mail of Luca Romano, please leave a message after the tone."


I sob into the phone call, just to hear his voice makes me want to break down. I wipe my tears away and look up at the stars, "Charlie is-Charlie looks like you, she has your eyes and your hair...and she's naughty. She is a naughty little rascal, she definitely got it from you, I don't remember being that bad." I chuckle softly, sliding down my bed and settling onto the wooden floor.

My fingers grazes the small hairs on my legs, "I miss you. I never thought I'd miss someone so much Luca, my heart feels so empty..." Tears blur my vision, I look up to the ceiling. "Why did you leave me? Why didn't you just get in the car, we could have moved and lived together...I have your letter, I don't want to open because I-"

"This Inbox is now full. Goodbye."

I drag the phone away from my ears as it returns me to my home screen. My heartbreak is sadness that comes in waves, gruelling and robbing both my hunger and my sleep. It is a shard in my gut that will never depart, though the edges may soften over time.

It seems like death, just like mourning, and at quiet moments it chokes my body's breath and short circuits my intellect.

What was once entire has been shattered; where there was once peace, there is now emptiness, echoes of a love I poured my heart and soul into.

"'Ummy..." I wipe my tears away and switch my phone off, standing back on my two feet. Charlie rubs her eyes with her small fists and looks into my direction, "I had a nightmare." Charlie was very intelligent for her age, all her teachers are forcing me to take her to an academic school.

But I don't want to.

I smile softly and pat my bed, then see Nora coming out a little by the corner. "Can I join?"

"Of course you can, come on the both of you." We slide into bed, Charlie settles on top of me whilst Nora slides in next to her. Leaving me on the corner of the bed, I graze Charlies hair and turn my head slightly to the left, seeing the emptiness of the bed.

Luca should be here.


I couldn't sleep, I couldn't sleep because every time I did I saw him. And that stupid letter on my bedside table, sitting underneath the lamp. I fiddle with the necklace, feeling tears graze my cheeks as i silently cry to myself. But even though, i could not because i had to stay strong. But every time I look at Charlie, her father comes into mind. He relapses, over and over again.

I open my eyes and see him lying beside me; I know it's a delusion, but I don't want it to end. I can almost feel his fingertips brushing across my hair. When I look up at him, his green eyes meet mine. "Don't leave me again." I whisper, snuggling into his chest. "Please..."

"I'm always in your heart, remember." Tears fall, they troll down my eyes.

"Are you real?"

"No, I'm not."

"Charlie is alive."

"I know."

"And Nora misses you."

"I know."

I was awake the entire night. Darren came to pick Nora and take her to school.

All I wanted was a tiny nap before Nora came back from school but Charlie wanted Ice-cream so instead, I got up, got changed because I needed to have a bit of exercise done anyways. I look back at the bed and he has disappeared.

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