Chapter Four | Red Sheets, And White Lies.

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"Hmm, why did you not want to touch her?" Layla asks, I rub onto my forehead-god this hour feels like four. She taps her pen against her closed notebook whilst the spitting rain collides with the window.

"I did, I wanted to touch her and pleasure her in all the right ways. When I asked her if she was okay with doing it, I wanted her to say no. But she didn't." I speak.

"That does not answer my question Luca. Why?"

"Because-I felt guilty." I whisper, fuck, why is she making me express my feelings?

"And why did you feel guilty if she consented?"

"Because it didn't feel like she meant it, if you saw her eyes-I felt guilty for feeling pleasured."

She looks me in the eyes, and gives me a small nod.

"How did you feel?"

"God it was so awkward, we definitely had sexual chemistry but-it just felt awkward. I felt like she was imagining that short piece of shit."

"What happened after?"

"The sheets were red but-she was never a virgin to begin with..."

How is that possible?

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How is that possible?

As I crumple up against the head board and close my legs, Luca slides off the bed. He grabs the clean towels that had been laid aside despite the fact that his dick was covered in blood. He gives me one first, then cleans himself.

He glances at me and then down at the sheets, he wipes his face with his hands. Was he disgusted? I sit up, with my legs floating above the wooden floors. I pick my robe and slide it on, making sure to tie it right after. I feel the mattress dense a little, I turn my head only slightly and notice that Luca has sat down after sliding his trousers on.

"You're not a virgin, are you?" He asks out of nowhere, my heart increases in rate and I mould my mouth together.

"What do you mean?" I whisper.

"You know exactly what I mean." But I bled, so where is his thoughts coming from? Normally I would be calm and collected but I was fearful of one thing-that he would tell my father and it would ruin the contract. "I'd rather you tell me the truth, I don't like liars." His voice felt deeper than before, and it was laced with...something odd.


This could go two ways.

I could lie and he'd kill my family.

I could tell the truth and he'd kill me.

"No, I'm not..." he inhales deeply and as do I.

"Who took it?" He asks.

"You know who..." I stand up from the bed, facing his back.


He didn't even ask me, he just told me.

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