Chapter Three | Take Me To Church, Tell Me Lies.

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"You want to know what I think?"

"You're going to tell me anyways, so go on." She closed her book, looking me directly in the eyes.

"I think you were jealous." I scoff, glancing up at the time.

Why is this therapy session taking so fucking long?

"And why would you think that?"

"Because you wanted her all to yourself, you wanted to be her first everything." This therapist. "Am I wrong?"

"No. You're not."

"So the tradition continued? The White sheets?"

"God, she was a goddess in the sheets."

We reach huge black gates, that open once an armed body guard checks who is in the car

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We reach huge black gates, that open once an armed body guard checks who is in the car. The car strolls in, the sounds of cracking stones under the tyres. I look ahead and it was still a road, I make sure to analyse where I will love from now. Guards stood every three metres, and the road continues until I see a dark black roof sticking out from behind the trees.

I slowly sit up until my eyes lock with what is called a mansion, actually I would call if a castle. It was utterly beautiful, the tinted windows with black linings, the dark brown walls shielding the castle. We reach the front after passing a fountain, once the car stops.

The doors are opened for us, Luca slides out first and Caleb nods for me to exit. The maids stood in an orderly line, the butlers stood beside them and the guards stood on the opposite side.

What would one man need with this many staff?

"Mrs Romano, welcome to the Romano Estate. We sure hope you feel welcome, if there is anything you would like: Michael here will retrieve it for you or you may ask any other worker." I look up and stare at the rest of my life.

"Thank you..." I give him room to fill his name.

"Andrew, Mrs Romano."

"Call me Athena, short and simple."

"That isn't-"

"Please." I whisper, please make me feel normal for once in my life.

Andrew nods, and escorts me inside of the castle. I am introduced with wooden flooring, navy walls that introduce the gold frames. Everything was spotless clean, I was dirty, so maybe having some maids will be good for me. Or maybe I should just continue to be messy and piss Luca off.

I'll go with option 2.

"Mr Romano is very- well he has OCD. He likes everything clean and collected, hence the amount of staff. There are fifteen rooms, but your room will be on the fourth floor with Mr Romano."

"Is there a spare room?" I whisper.

"Urm-all the rooms are taken by the family of Romano joining for the weekend." Oh.

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