Chapter Seven | Love here, and love there-don't lie.

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"You had a sister?" Layla whispers.

"I did." I respond to her question.

"She was pregnant?"

"She was."

"And how did her death make you feel?"


"Do you hate her?"

"Hate who?"


"No, hate is a strong word. I love her, she was not the one that killed her."

Hate was a strong word and that was exactly what I felt for my father, I hate that I even had to call him that

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Hate was a strong word and that was exactly what I felt for my father, I hate that I even had to call him that.

He was nothing but my boss in some way, a boss who abused his little girl. I graze the burn on my ankle and remember that his sister had the same exact burn, but why would my father kill her? It does not make sense. What did she have in him for her to kill him?

She was pregnant, I never thought of it-he killed her whilst she was pregnant.

One of the maids, Mannie, settles down the remaining of the breakfast. I look up and thank her, she nods her head curtly and walks off.

The heavy silence between the two of us did not go unnoticed as we ate breakfast, he sat on the long side of the glass table whilst I, on the other. And of course, Caleb sat in the middle handing Luca a few paperwork's- this man can never catch a break.

"And this one is to secure shipments to Russia," he slides the paper towards Luca who settles down his fork and takes a look.

"Make sure it is exactly three hundred, don't be generous just yet." Who knew being part of the mafia had a lot of paperwork, all i saw my father do was kill and teach me how to. I stab my fork into the cut-up sausages, feeling boredom slowly take over me.

I settle down my fork and sit up against my chair, looking around the breakfast room to see maids lined up and ready to be asked anything. Then my eyes lock with the view outside, the trees.

The forest is so snow-white when the sun rises. It exudes an atmosphere of purity that urges the spirit to pause for a second and allow the sight to permeate your soul. It's the snow-forest of childhood dreams right now, beneath the cherry-glow morning.

To think that this is a life I have never imagined, my fingers tug onto my neck as they circle around Elias necklace. I feel tears blur my image as my fingers graze my bottom lips, knowing very well I would never see him again.

But for some reason- I did not care.

Elias tried to kill me.

He never really loved me and that was the truth, and all I felt was complete betrayal.

I look up, feeling a pair of eyes staring into my soul.

Luca's eyes were locked with the necklace around my neck.

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