Chapter Twenty | Peek A Boo, Here's The Truth.

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"So Caleb killed her, and took Amara?" I nod my head. "Did you know?"

"I had not a single clue that he'd taken Amara," her brows furrow as she taps her pen against the notepad. "You left her to fend for herself."

"You're making it as if I did it willingly." 

"Did you?"

"Did I leave the love of my life in a cell?"

"Answer your question."

"No, don't play mind games with me."

"I am not."

"Of course not! God, they treated her like she was nothing. Caleb-someone I thought and even considered as my brother stabbed my own back."

"Is that where your fear of trusting someone comes from, because by the looks of it-it seems as if everyone you did lied or hurt you." I look around the room, the stack of bookshelves behind her and the perfectly organised pens in a pot. 

"I think so."

"So what happened next?"


These walls cannot hold a prayer, nor a spirit

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These walls cannot hold a prayer, nor a spirit. And so, I call to the universe, I promise all the good things I will do when I am released, and at first it appears that nothing happens.

Yet when she does, it will be some random occurrence of happenstance, something I could never predict. So, though this wait is tough and I long for the sunshine and the grass, the passing is a little easier for knowing I have my avenged my sister.

I hear the sound of breaking glass, yet this time it is a music that vanishes deep scars; for I am the one escaping a prison invisible to others.

Being sedated is the worst thing ever done to me, because when I awoke terror refilled me.

My eyes shoot open, the darkness of this place kept me stable enough for my eyes to open fully. I look around, the prison cell was barely six feet by four. The walls were the same thick grey stone as the dwellings of the region, but instead of a wide window with a flower box there was a mean barred opening with thick metal bars and no glass.

The bed was a plank of wood on legs, there was no mattress, no cushioning and only one thin blanket. It was either suffocating quiet or pierced with the screams of tortured people.

I try to lift my hands, but they were cuffed to a chain that was locked in the wall. I stand up-my heart racing as I try to force my hands out of it. "Don't bother, those chains are on there for life. I tried a hundred times, but they just won't come off." My head snaps to someone in the far corner.

A figure hidden.

"Who are you?"

"Who are you?"

"I asked first."

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