Chapter Thirty | The Heart Wants The Lies, Not Truth.

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He's leaving the Mafia for me, yet guilt seems to latch onto me about Darren's situation. He loves me? He's loved me? I had no clue. But what he did, what he lied about was unforgivable.

The girls sat around the dining table, ready for news I may spill on them depending if I chicken out yet again. I fiddle with my fingers; I see Charlie chuckling as she copies my exact moves. "So, I have some news, for the both of you."

"Is this going to be long?" Nora responds.

"Nora, recently I found out something and this will shock you, and don't faint like I did. But I want you to turn around." Nora raised a brow; she slowly turns around her chair and halts at the sight of Luca. Her eyes have probably widened in shock. I look up to Luca, and he nods his head confirming everything is fine.

"Amara, is Uncle Luca standing in front of me or am I seeing his clone like the vampire diaries."

"No, this isn't the vampire diaries, he's standing right in front of you." Nora stood up from her chair, I see her hands shaking slightly as she walks step by step towards Luca.

"Y-you're alive?" She whispers as she touches his arms to double check, Luca crouches down a small smile appearing on his lips. Nora doesn't take chances, instead she wraps her arms around Luca's neck and buries her head inside. Luca has grown a lot, since he is now hugging without being a little germaphobe.

"Charlie, you know when I said that daddy is on holiday?" Charlie nods her head excitedly.

"He is in the army! Growing flowers." She mixes up the two stories, I laugh shaking my head. Charlie stands up on the chair, playing with her food.

"He's back and he is over there." Charlie rose a brow, turning her head to see Luca staring at her.

"That's my dad?" She points, shoving the hash brown into her mouth. She slides of the chair and walks towards me, stepping between my legs as her head falls onto my lap. Luca breathes in softly as he let's go of Nora and now turns to face his daughter.

"That's daddy, go...go hug him." Charlie shakes her head hiding into my stomach, I see Luca jaw tense as he looks down at his feet. For some reason, I saw regret rush through his eyes.

"Daddy's scary..." she tightens her hold around me, and I notice how Luca felt weirded out in this situation. Maybe because the only daughter he has, is scared of him because of his tattoos and the way they look exactly the same.

"Daddy loves you, how about we both go and hug him?" Charlie nods slowly, I clutch her tiny hand and we slowly walk to Luca. Luca crouches down, decreasing his height once again. Charlie grabs his nose without a second thought, I held in my laugh as she pinches it before she begins grinning.

"You have a big nose; mummy look at daddy's nose." I press my hand onto my mouth, looking away from Luca's confused face.

"You think I have a big nose; you have a big nose." He pinches her nose as she giggles.

"Mummy, daddy said I have a big nose."

"No, you don't, you have my nose, which is the only gene you have from me anyways."

"I did tell you I have strong genes." Luca whispers.

"Genie? Like Aladdin? Are you my genie? You're not blue!" She folds her arms before giving up, Luca pushes her black curls back and I see a fresh light go into his eyes. He grazes her face, a smile printing on his face as Charlie plays with his suit jacket.

I take a step back with Nora, allowing them to enjoy their father-daughter time together. Since she was born, I've yearned for them to have something I never had.

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