Chapter 60

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Tom's Pov

Jordan still hasn't pulled out his bow yet. "Mot!" I yell out as we walk down the stairs.

"Ah Syndy my boy." Dianite re- wait a second! Dianite! He isn't supposed to be able to talk!

Dianite's standing, Mot beside him. Jordan stands beside me weaponless, still.

"Why are you..." I get interupted by Mot.

"He's gotten stronger. Ianite's curse falls as she does." Mot's gaze is pinned on Jordan, who's shaking his head.

"No her power doesn't work like that." He says and moves between me and Dianite.

"How willing are you Jordan? To save your goddess." Dianite says his tone persuasive.

I try to warn Jordan but I can't speak. Or move! Blaze stands in the corner of the room shaking.

"Answer me Jordan!" Dianite demands. "I'd do anything." My heart shatters. He's letting this get to his head.

"Anything." A Irish accent rings. Jack. That fucker.

"Jack w-" I can see that Jordan feels betrayed. Its all in his eyes.

"I'm tired of living in your shadow. Kill it. See where your power lies then." Jack says and Jordan shakes his head.

"This is irrelevant. I'm not here to argue wi-" I feel a cold metal on my neck. It burns! Jordan pulls out his bow and aims it at whoever is behind me.

"Kill it Jordan. Or I'll kill him and your goddess." Jack says again. And Dianite laughs.

Jordan's eyes fill with fear. "LEAVE HER ALONE!" He yells and tears start to roll down my face.

"LEAVE IANITE ALONE!" Dianite nust laughs harder. I fight the urge to cry out. I feel like lava is being poured on my neck! It hurts!

"Never has a hunter as successful as you been able to keep their inner demon. You're on thin ice Mr. Maron, I ask you again kill it." Dianite says with an eerie grin.

"You'll leave Ianite and Tom alone. Let us fix what we've lost?"

Jordan's Pov

I'll kill it for them. If it means they live then the success isn't worth it. I'd rather have my family than fame.

"Of course." Dianite hisses. "Jordan no." Tom chokes out. He knows this could kill me.

"Dad don't." Anastasia takes hold of my arm causing me to lower my bow.

"Dad! How funny! Wait is this the child? The one that's half demon?" Dianite asks his tone is almost playful.

"Let Tom go first." I say harshly. Jack removes the sapphire blade from Tom's neck. It left a burn line from one end of Tom's neck to the other.

"Go home." I say to Anastasia, I turn so I can look her in the eyes.

"I'm not leaving you!" She rebels tears swelling in her eyes.

"Don't argue. Go home take Tom with you. I'll be back soon." I say but Anastasia knows the dangers of what I'm about to do.
"Dad I can't leave you here."

"Your mother needs you to be strong so do I. Go home and tell her I'll see her soon." I kiss Anastasia' s forehead. "Everything's gonna be okay princess." I whisper and she pulls away.

"You two say your farewells quickly please!" Dianite snaps as Tom takes my hands in his.

"Jordan I-" I kiss Tom like its the last time I ever will. "Take care of my girls. I know we've hit a rough patch in our relationship but I love you with all my heart Tom." I say and wipe some of Tom's fast falling tears.

"I love you too Sparklez! You're gonna make it through this you can. I know you can." Tom pauses and sighs.

"If you can't survive for me, do it for them." He kisses me once more before running off with Anastasia.

Ianite's Pov

I cry into Spark's chest. This isn't fair! He should've just let me die!

"Here he goes." Spark says and his hand begins to run up and down my arm.

Tom looks worried. I open a window into the nether, so we can watch.

Jordan's got wires hooked into the sides of his head, his hips, and one in his arm. Then there's the heart monitor and the monitor that lets us see what Jordan's seeing.

Jordan's at the fortress he's joined by me? Wait I recognize this scene. This is the night Anastasia happened.

"Jordan I just miss him so much." I cry I feel Spark let out a shaky sigh. Tom plays with a knife he must've got from Jordan.

"I know. We'll figure all this out I promise." Jordan says and kisses my head.

"Can you do me a favor?" I say along with the other me in the video.

Before Jordan gets a chance to answer I do. "Be my Spark. Just for a second."

I see Jordan's face change as he looks into my eyes.

"No." He says harshly. Other me's face changes.

"Why?!" Other me snaps.

"Because you're not real. I have to kill you now and its gonna be-" Jordan pauses and stabs other me in the chest with a sapphire blade.

"I'd never do that." Spark mumbles. "Its for the greater good." I say in responce.

The scene changes around Jordan. He appears to be in the asylum.

He's in a room with padded walls. But Jordan's not alone.

A mirror image of himself is circling around him. This is it. If he kills this thing he survives.

"You think they care about you? How stupid!" It laughs and pulls out a blade.

Jordan does the same. "You think your words hurt me? Well you're wrong!"

"If only you knew. Didn't they tell you? Didn't Tom tell you?" It says, I fear what's about to come out next.

"Jordan Ianite isn't breathing. We killed her." Jordan lunges at the other him but ends up running smack into the wall.

"Try again fool!" It laughs again. Spark holds me closer to him.

Dianite's Pov

I pace back and fourth and watch as the fight between Jordan and his demon intensifies.

Jordan's getting pretty beat up. I can see the bruises arising on Jordan's skin.

His heart rate slows then rises again. He's trying really hard to stay alive.

"YOU'RE WEAK MARON! GIVE UP!" The demon screams but Jordan fights on.

"End it." Jack orders but I shut him up by paralyzing him. Calm yourself mortal its temporary!


Come on Jordan. Finish it, it wasn't my wish for you to die.


Tom's Pov

No. No no no no no! Dianite shuts the fight off.

I feel myself begin to sob as does Ianite. "Tom I can't heal him. I-I'm too weak."

After the words leave Ianite's mouth her eyes start to roll back into her head.

I see her chest rise once more before falling into her death.

The world seems to stop. He's gone, he died for me.

Jordan's dead.

Jordan is dead.

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