Chapter 28

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Jordan's Pov

Tom tosses and turns in my arms. I'm not sure what happened to him tonight.

Ianite is sat in a chair in the back most corner of the room.

She refuses to leave me alone, but I know she's just worried about me.

"Jordan, when you prayed to...other me, what did you ask about?" Ianite asks suddenly.

"Well it depended on the situation. The first time I ever prayed to you I didn't ask anything. I wrote a note that I still have. Would you like to see it?"

Ianite's Pov

I nod and Spark slips out of bed. He starts digging through a chest before finally finding a piece of paper.

He sits next to me and begins to read,

"Uhh Hi My umm My Lady. I'm Jordan incase you didn't know. Everyone calls me crazy for believing in you, but don't worry I know you're real. I don't know what's beem going on with me lately. You see I've had this dream, a woman crying. But as her tears hit the ground a flower began to grow. I don't know what this means, is that lady you? My Lady I pray that you're okay and that everyone learns our true power. I pray I will be able to keep the balance. Lastly I pray that wherever you are, you are okay and that we will meet soon.
  Yours truly,....."

Jordan stops talking his face fills with fear.
"What is it?" I ask,

"I don't remember signing it that way. I dont remember ever calling myself that!"

"Jordan what's wrong." I say standing up to stop his pacing.

He only shakes his head, tosses the letter onto the foot of the bed, then runs downstairs.

"DAMN IT JORDAN!" I hear him yell at himself.

I cautiously pick up the note and read where Jordan left off.

"Yours Truly,

My heart swells up in my chest. I hold the flimsy pice of paper close to me and let a few tears fall.

I close my eyes, the note still pressed to my chest.

Without a doubt thos letter formatted the first time Spark met me.

He was nervous but as we began talking and laughing he mellowed out.

I feel someone pull me into their arms. I take a deep breath in, Spark.

"I'm sorry. I should've read it over first. It was a nickname C-Capsize gave me. After she died everyone shut up about it."

I don't respond, I let out a sob which causes him to hold me tighter.

Dianite's Pov

"You think it may have actually-"


"You killed him then pushed him into the portal to The Land of Mianite. Dad that could've revived him."


Ianite's Pov

I sigh and pull from Jordan. I gasp when I see Jordan's neck.

All black and blue. Worse than when Dianite got a hold of him.

"Are you okay?" He asks taking my hand. I pull away. I can't be hurting the way I was after our.....

"Are there more? Letters." I hear myself ask. I sound like a lost puppy, looking for a home.

"Yeah but I don't know if I should let you read them." Jordan runs a hand through his hair.

"Please do! Spark left me with nothing to remember him by! Please!" I plead. Sparklez sighs and points to the chest in the corner.

"There's five books filled with letters. I'm gonna take a walk. If Tom wakes up don't let him come after me." I let Jordan leave. He needs time.

I pull out a book labeled 'Letters v.1' and begin to read.

Hello again! I have good news, and some bad. I guess I'll tell you the bad first. I think Tucker and Sonja have found out about self harm issue. I herd them whisper about the 'lines on my wrist'. My lady know there's nothing you can do to stop it. But anyways good news is, most of everyone believes you exist now! Everyone but Nade. He doesn't like me very much, but that's ok we don't need him.

I remember the little white lines that lined all the way up to Spark's shoulder.

He wouldn't let me fix them. He always said they were just a reminder of the past and he liked them.

As I read more and more I begin to see more and more of Spark.

"Jordan's not Spark Ianite." Tom says causing me to drop the book. I hadn't even realized I was crying till now.

"Sp-Jordan went on a walk. He wants to be left alone." I say and pick the book back up.

"I don't care. I do care that you think Jordan's Spark. You read those letters like you meant it. Even while crying."

"I read them out loud?!" I'm so stupid! I should've gone else where.

I get tugged up by the hem of Jordan's stolen shirt.

"If I were you, I'd stick to Dianite. And if you even try......"

"Tom?!" Chirssy yells and Tom releases me. "Chrissy I-umm" Tom starts, I bolt out of the room.

I run just as deep into the woods as I possibly can.

Jordan's Pov

I hear sobbing from below me. I look down to see Ianite's long violet hair covering most of her face.

She's saying something but I can't understand what.

She's still in my black shirt, it goes down to about her mid thigh but I don't think she cares.

I shouldn't have shown her the letter. I shouldn't have......

"Jordan! You out here!" Tom yells causing Ianite to jump to her feet.

I watch her face fill with fear as Tom nears her.

"Leave me alone!"

"Ianite look I'm sorry I just got...."

"I don't care! There's no....." She backs up as Tom gets closer.


He did NOT just speak to her that way! Its sad I expected more from him.


I talked to so many amazing people the other day and I thank each and everyone of you who reached out either in a comment or in a message! Y'all are the best!

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