Chapter 26

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Ianite's Pov

I sit outside Tom and Jordan's house. Everyone's still fast asleep.

My heart still is broken from Jordan yelling at me a few nights ago.

I guess I shouldn't be so sensitive. He was hurting, but I thought I could help.

"Hello beautiful." I feel a heat rush over me.

"Don't call me that." I say moving away from Dianite.

"Ianite come on..."

"You threatened not only me, but almost killed Tom! I'm not even gonna bring up Spark." Tears form in my eyes. I hope Jordan stays asleep. I don't want him hurt.

"Ianite please just hear me out. I'd never lay a finger on you. You know that!" Dianite tries to hold my hand but I pull away.

"Stop! You killed him and that's all that matters! Chrissy's on my side anyways."

"Ianite please! Listen to yourself! Only months ago you would've made out with me at any given chance." He's partly right, but that doesn't mean I'm admitting it!

"And where we go nobody knows, guns hidden under our petticoats!

No we're never gonna quit it no we're never gonna quit it no!"

"Still think her loyalty lies within you, Love?" Dianite asks forcing me to sit as close as possible to him.

I look away but Dianite only forces me to look at him again.

"I guess we'll find out in two days." I sigh. I can't believe Chrissy's already 16!

I hear Tom start singing with her. Dianite smiles. "That boy....."

"TRUST YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING AND YET YOU STILL TRY TO KILL HIM!" I yell as loud as possible without being herd.

Dianite just frowns then tries to kiss me! I lean back as far as possible.

No way! Not after what he did to Spark, and Tom.

"Ianite stop fighting with yourself! Last time you did I destroyed your pestiy little morals town!" Dianite smirks and kisses me cheek.


"No, I don't have much longer here! Jordan is about to be out here balling his eyeballs out! Now kiss me!" Dianite leans forward faster than I can pull back. He kisses me but I don't kiss back.

Dianite disappears without another word. Sparklez is soon sitting beside me.

Jordan's Pov

"M' Lady." I say and taking Ianite's fragile hand in my own.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have disturbed your grieving." She says and looks away.

"You did nothing wrong M' Lady." She gives my hand a squeeze and lays her head on my shoulder.

"It makes me feel special when you call me that." Ianite quickly realizes what she said and her hands fly over her mouth.

I laugh and move them back into her lap. "Its okay. But really I'm sorry for yelling at you. I know you just wanted to help. I was just mad and hurt. Those aren't excesses for treating you the way I did. I'm deeply sorry M' Lady." I try to sound as formal as possible. My politeness seems to work, because Ianite's pale cheeks are now a shade of pink.

"I accept your apology my Jordan."

"Our Jordan!" Tom plops down on the other side of Ianite.

"Well technically Thomas, Jordan worships no other gods besides me. Therefore he is my Jordan." Ianite smiles which has a chain effect on Tom and I.

I close my eyes and slide my arm around Ianite. Tom does the same his hand just reaches my shoulder.

If I dislocate my shoulder I'll be able to reach Tom's shoulder.

Chrissy appears out of nowhere and snaps a picture.

That's been her 'thing' lately. Photography I mean.

"My men!" Ianite cherps and I chuckle. "WAG!" Tom yells and I feel his hand leave my shoulder.

I open my eyes to find Wag and Tom hugging.

"He didn't break his promise." Chrissy says pulling me and Ianite up.

"You look great wizard." Ianite says causing the two to part.

Tom takes my hand in his and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you M' Lady." Wag replies. Chrissy's been quiet considering she wouldn't shut up about seeing Wag again all day.

"She's right James. A drug free you is WAY better." Chrissy wraps her arms around Wag. Tom elbows me in the side, I elbow him back.

Time Skip

Tom and I are doing laundry when I toss him one of Chrissy's shirts to throw into the washer.

He raises an eyebrow before snifing the shirt.

"Babe come here." He says wearily. I walk over and Tom hands me the shirt.

"Tell me that doesn't smell like pot." I snif the shirt only to find Tom's right!

What went on at that sleepover Chrissy had with Lindsey last night?

"Hey Wag!" Tom yells seconds later Wag appears beside me.

"You got a drug test with you?" Tom asks,

"Considering I have to take one at the end of every month, yes." Wag looks concerned but hands me the test.

"Thanks." Tom playfully winks then Wag teleports off.

I hope, for Tom's sake, Chrissy wasn't smoking pot at that party last night.

It'll crush him. Almost as bad as Wag and our's fights did.

"Chrissy!" I call and she joins us. "I'm gonna give you ome chance to tell the truth." I pause for suspension,

"Were you smoking pot last night with Lindesy?"

Chrissy's Pov

"Don't try lying we're testing you anyways." Tom says,

"Okay." This is it I'm caught and there's nothing I can do about it.

"K lets go." Jordan hands me the cup and I do my thing.

I walk out and set it on the counter. Jordan does the test thingy. (IRDK HOW DRUG TESTS WORK!)

"And it's positive." Jordan says and Tom joins us.

"Got a result?" He crosses his arms. Damn when did Tom become so sassy!

"Why don't you tell him your result Chrissy." Jordan snaps handing me the test.
Tom snatches it from me, reads it, then slams it on the counter.

"Really Chrissy! You go from getting drunk to doing drugs! You know this is just how Wag started out. And look where he is now!" I roll my eyes after Tom brings up James.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me!" Tom yells,

"You need to adjust your little attitude!" Jordan chimes in.

"I'm not Wag so." I'm fed up with this! I was just trying to have fun!

"We know you're not Wag, but you're obviously on drugs!" Tom pauses,

"You're obviously up to illegal activities!"

"Okay." I mumble trying to calm him down a bit.

"What do you mean okay! Here it is!" Tom holds my failed drug test in front of my face.

"Okay." I say again but this time I look up at him.

"We got no reason to trust you now. None!" Tom storms off Jordan trailing behind him.

Welp I know I have to talk to James about it. I'm just not sure how to.

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