Chapter 36

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Ianite's Pov

I walk behind Jordan and Tom. They're holding hands.

The tip of Tom's rune peeks out over his shirt. If Jordan knew the pain.....

"You ok?" Jordan's voice echoes throughout my mind. I just nod, we are now standing outside the cathedral.

Tom kisses Jordan quickly. "I'll see you soon." He whispers.

There's cheers as Tom walks into the church. The large wooden doors cut them off from Jordan and I.

"You sure you're ok?" Jordan asks again as we walk towards Steve's.

I hate to lie to him, but I feel like I have to. I'm already weak enough in both boy's eyes.

"I'm fine." I snap sounding harsher than meant.

I sit in Steve's recliner and Jordan takes the one next to me.

Steve and Martha sit in front of us. I already know what this is about Jordan doesn't ....

"Tom's depressed." Steve says, the fact he called him 'Tom' shows his seriousness.

"I disagree. He misses Chrissy and is scared of what she's facing." Jordan glances at me.
"Bull-" Martha interrupts Steve, "Language Stevie!"

"I see no such depression in Tom." Jordan's voice is as serious as Steve's.

"You only see what you want to see." Steve says back. There's a large scratch running from one end of Steve's neck to the other. Its not near as deep as Sparklez's.

"He's always so happy! Y-"

"You didn't show it Jordan! You act like Tom hasn't told me about your past! Never once did you admit to depression." Jordan's eyes fill with tears.

"Leave my past out of this."

"Tom's been coming to Martha and I to get what we call runes imbedded in his skin. They posses the power to cause any pain to leave, and any joy to come." Steve explains and I see realization spark (*wink face*) in Jordan's eyes.

"So the painful one on his back...."

"Heart break. Jordan the day we nearly killed eachother, Syndy had sobbed about how he wasn't good enough. And how he thought he wasn't enough." Steve pauses and glances at me then back to Jordan.

"Don't act like I don't know what's happened between you two. What's going on." Jordan sighs as do I. Neither of us want to know....

"I don't know! I mean there's things you don't understand about being the way Tom and myself are."

"Explain them." I say only loud enough for Jordan to hear.

"What are they?" Martha asks not taking her gaze off Jordan.

"I can't speak for Tom. But I've always had a little voice in the back of my head saying-well screaming for me to be normal. Be what everyone wants. I guess I've just given in-" Martha interrupts,

"Stevie what was that redheads name who came to talk to us about...."

"Erin?" Jordan chimes in. "Ah yes Erin. Lovely girl isn't she?" Steve says and Martha turns a shade of red.

"She labeled herself your 'first mistake'."

"Before I appeared in my home. I tried being normal. Being with a girl. But it didn't work, to say the least. I really liked her though."

"What'd you like about her?" I ask gently. I know he doesn't like taking about his past but he'll tell me.

"She never called me in-i-insane. Never brought up sexuality. She was so innocent!" Jordan's sobbing and I can see him tugging at his shirt sleeve.

"I'm done." Jordan whispers as he wipes his tears.

I get up to follow but Steve gives me a look that begs differ.

"Sp-" I start but Jordan turns and catches me by the front of my-well his jacket.

"Don't you dare call me that!"

"Jordan let her go." Steve says from behind me.

Jordan's Pov

I let lose of Ianite and storm off. What gave them the right to bring any of that up!

I'd like to see them live through the shit I've had to!

I sit against a tree and stare out at the ocean.

I miss home. I miss the way things used to be.

My communicator beeps. Its Ianite.

(Bold=Jordan Italics=Ianite)


We need you. Outside the church now.

Ianite hangs up and at her command I rush to the church.

Time Skip

I stand beside Ianite who has tears in her eyes.

Tom is stood before a mirror image of himself. Well, brown haired him anyways.

The two circle around eachother slowly. My Tom looks horrified.

"Tell me you see it too." My Tom whispers. "I see it." I say.

"M-Mot." Ianite chokes out. The thing looks at me.

His eyes tear up and he smiles. That smile quickly fades.

"You're not Spark. Not my best friend not half the man he was." I'm not sure why those words hit me hard but they do.

"He always spoke of another him. Another dimensional him."

"Mot, this is Jordan and Tom." Martha says but Mot just stares at me.

"P-please save him. Please!"

"Save who! What!"

"He isn't gone! He isn't! I've seen him!" Ianite begins sobbing. "He's dead Mot! Stop it!" She cries, it starts pouring rain.


"MOT STOP!" I feel a hand slide into my own and look over to see Tom.

Everything falls silent. "You don't believe me. Do you Ianite?" Mot says sadly.

"He would've been home by now. Or shown me a sign." Ianite cries.

Something about Mot's desperation makes me believe him.

Makes me believe Spark's being held captive somewhere.

"Other me doesn't believe me either." Mot speaks but doesn't take his eyes off me.

"Call your daughter's man."

Tom instantly rings Nade.

(Bold=Nade Bold and Italics=Ianite Regular=Mot)



Blaze said she'd be safer there! I'm sorry!

Nade calm down talk to me.

He said Jordan or Spark I don't fucking know who anymore! He said Dianite's life depended on her changing this dudes mind! I begged her to stay but she wouldn't! You gotta save her Tom! Even if that means loosing Dianite's trust.

Dianite wouldn't hurt her Nade.

Didn't you say the same about Spark! He'll kill her Tom! Please believe me!

Nadeshot this is Mot, did Blaze say anything of Spark being alive?

I'll try everything in my power to save her Nade.


At this moment all hell breaks loose. Ianite lets out a blood hurtling scream before disappearing. A note where she once stood.

I've got both your girls now other Spark. Soon enough I'll have your husband on my side too! Be prepared to see everything you love burn!
-Lord Dianite

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