Chapter 33

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Chrissy's Pov

"Nade this isn't fair! I can't leave without a goodbye." I say quietly.

"You've got their communicator numbers just phone them." Nade argues as he steps closer to me.

"It'll crush them. The least you can do is let me say bye to my family."

Jordan's Pov

Blaze holds Ianite gently. Tom's hand is rested gently on my hip.

"Come on we better get back in there." Blaze says and we all go back inside.

Chrissy tears up when she sees Tom and I. Separation has never been a big issue, but I understand why she's sad.

Tom releases me and hugs Chrissy. "Its okay baby girl." His voice has tensed. He's trying real hard not to cry.

Ianite places her hand in my shoulder. I take a deep breath as Chrissy hugs me.

"I'm gonna miss you." She sobs into my chest.

"Its gonna be okay princes. We'll see each other soom enough." I look at Tom who has red streaks running down his cheeks.

Chrissy pulls away and I smile at her. "Nade take good care of my baby girl." Tom says rejoining me.

"Oh I will Tom." There's a edge in Nade's voice I'm not to fond of.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't approve of." I say harshly but Chrissy laughs nonetheless.

"Shouldn't have to worry about that yet Jordan. She's not legal yet!"

We all share a brief laugh. I notice Mianite, Dianite, and Blaze have left.

That's odd but I guess they all have the power to teleport off whenever. I'm sure its nothing.

"Daniel I look forward to seeing what you can bring to the team." I say and Daniel smiles.

"Its a pleasure. Chirssy you wanna go ahead and tell them?" Daniel says then nervously glances at Chrissy.

"Well Daniel, Will, Joe, Jeremy, and I have got our first single recorded! We also plan on meeting with Alex Goot to record some stuff. Possibly a music video!"

I see Tom slightly smile before bursting into sobs again.

Time Skip

Tom gives Chrissy the zebra print mic-stand we ordered her.

"I expect to see it in that music video!" Tom jokes. I'm so happy for Chrissy. The fact she's finally getting to do what she loves.

We say our farewells then watch as Nade teleports off with Chrissy.

"Hold me." Tom says and I pull him into my arms.

He sobs into my chest. I close my eyes and let a few tears of my own fall.

I can't say I'm too sad though. Tom and I haven't got to much time to ourselves since Chrissy's been around. Now hopefully our relationship won't be as stressed.

Tom jumps on my back and lets me carry him upstairs.

We change into pajamas, or pajama bottoms anyways.

I climb into bed next to Tom. He has a wicked smirk on his face.

His hands roam from my chest to my abs. I feel myself start to blush as Tom kisses me.

His kisses trail down to my neck. I sigh, its not that I don't enjoy Tom's lust-filled kisses but the fact he's using me as a distraction.

"Tom stop. Nothing like that tonight." I try not to sound to harsh.

Tom gives me one more, deep, kiss on the lips before turning away from me.

I roll over and pull Tom close to me. My hand drapes over his waist.

Tom's light snores tell me he's sleeping. I can't seem to close my eyes.

Ianite didn't come home with us. She told me she was going to see Andor, but my nerves beg differ.

Ianite's Pov

The brown haired girl sits emotionless in front of me.

"Where's Jordan." She mumbles as we wait on Dec.

I found her by the parlor. She never told me her name.

Dec gasps as his eyes fall on her. "C-Capsize! I thought you were dead!" Dec cheers but Capsize just lets a tear fall.

"Me too." She whispers. Her honey colored eyes shimmering.

"Spar-I mean Jordan told me about you." I say only to have her give me a death glare.

Tom's Pov

Images of Capsize and Jordan flood my mind.

The way they looked into each others eyes drives me wild.

I'm not sure why I'm choosing to think about this now. I mean she's dead, so what's it matter.

".......Caps....." Jordan mumbles them buries his head in my neck.

Its hard to tell if he's doing this on purpose or not.

I decide against waking him up and let myself fall back alseep.

Time Skip

I wake up to the wonderful smell of pancakes and beacon.

There's laughing coming from downstairs. "I can't believe it! Its like a gift from heaven!" Jordan says.

"I didn't even consider myself an angel." My heart stops. Capsize is dead! This is a dream!

I bolt downstairs to find Capsize is actually sitting on my couch. Jordan is actually frying beacon.

"Syndicate, its been a while lad-y." Capsize says with a sad smile.

Her hair is long! It hangs to her lower back and hangs in loose curls.

If I was straight I would've considered her pretty. But I'm gay so that doesn't matter.

All things considered I'd rather have Jordan's abs than......

"Tom? You ok?" Jordan's face is inches from mine.

"Yeah! I-" I cover up my stuttering by kissing Jordan.

For the brief moment my eyes were open I saw Capsize frown.

But hey, what's mine is mine and that's that.

Jordan pulls away and I sit at the table. "Got plans for the day?" I ask Jordan, typical table talk.

"Well I was gonna give Capsize a tour of the town. Your welcome to come if you want." Jordan bites into his pancake.

"Uhh I wish I could but I've got a quest with Steve." By quest I mean sobbing into a pillow on Steve's couch.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy mustttttt sheeeeee come back and ruin everything!!!!!!!

A/N I'm gonna do a Q&A so have ur questions ready!

The Rise of the Fall (squeal to Just Friends)(BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now