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Gingerninja1011 asked, "Do you love me?"

Answer: As a author yes! Your fanfics are amazing!

The_Girl_In_The_Mask asked "(1)Would you rather never watch Mianite again, or never fall in love? (2) If you could have any electronic devise what would it be and why? (3)What is your favorite video game? (4)What is the first game you ever played? (5)Can you skate?"

Answers: (1) Is neither an option????(2) I would want a MacBook Pro because I'm currently computer/laptopl-ess and I've herd good things about the computer itself. (3)As of now MC (x-box addition)(4) First video game was Mario on an OLD Nintendo.(5) I can inline roller blade, anything else I'm pretty rubbish at!

BluTyphoon asked, "How did you come across the beautiful ship of SyndiSparklez and why is it your OTP or what do you like about it?

Answer: Well this is a funny story actually, (no its not) wasn't to big of a fan of SyndiSparklez till AureySparklez became a big thing I got angry and ended up looking up #SyndiSparklez on Tumblr.....I got a little addicted one could say. But when I found a SyndiSparklez fanart by Lilly the Derp I decied to start a fanfic! Just Friends is like my baby I cherish it with every inch of my heart! I love everything about SyndiSparklez! Just the thought of Tom smiling inbetween kisses with Jordan just...AWWWWWW! Ya feel me?

punken316 asked, Who are your favorite Wattpad authors? Marvel or DC? Who are your favorite superheroes?

Answers: Well I hate to pick favorites but some authors I really like are,




Marvel? Black Widow because she's a badass!

MiaStarlight (the @ thing isn't working for some reason) asked, Otps, fav anime, and fav MC mob.

Opts: SyndiSparklez (duh) & Jandor/Spandor (Idk what the official name is but Jordan and Andor)

Fav Anime: Attack on Titan

Fav MC mob: Zombie, idk why just is!

_UsuallyHighOnCrack_ (what a name!) Asked, Will you marry me?

Ummmmmmmm sure why not!

Y'all are the best and update is almost done! Good questions all of you!

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