Chapter 21 Dropping out and an accident

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I woke up next morning dreading school. I put in my clothes and grab my bag. I get to school.

Bully 1: hey you freak nice outfit. Finally something that doesn't cost $2.

I ignored them and walked away.

Teacher:Alicia may I speak with you.

I nod and I walk over to her.

Teacher: I've been thinking about having you drop out of school for the rest of the year and next year.

I wanted to scream inside. Yea I get straight A's I'm above grade level in every subject. I just don't act like it because I will get made fun of.

Alicia: that would be great so I won't be coming to school tommrow or next year?

Teacher: you are correct. I had a lovely time with you as a student and enjoy your big break.

She smiles and I just hug her. Weird but I'm just so happy. I say bye to all my teachers and leave the school. I go home and tell Michael that I can drop out.

Michael: that's great but you'll be alone cause of my tour.

I slowly frown.

Alicia: I have to go im tired.

I run upstairs. He calls my name but I ignore him. I slam my door close and cry. Someone knocks on my door.

Michael: can I come in?

I didn't say anything but he came in any way.

Michael: what's the matter

I didn't respond.

Michael: hello

I again didn't respond.

Michael: you know what, I'm tired of you being a snobby brat and not supporting me for tour. Do you even know how much this means to me?

I don't say anything once again but a sob escapes my lips.

Michael: I've had it with you. I'm sending you to aunt Molly's for the next few months.

My heart dropped. Aunt molly hated me and Michael. Why would he do this to me.

Alicia: you know what hurts the most. When the one and only person in your life that you care about leaves and sends you somewhere you aren't wanted.

Michael : Alicia stop.

Alicia: no Michael I'm tired of you leaving me, you promised me you would never leave me again. I need someone in my life I have no one not even you. Your just gonna leave me forever and I will be stuck alone.

I cover my face with my hands and cry. He hugs me but I push him off.

Alicia: no just leave me alone.

I walk out the room and get into my car. I drive off not knowing where I'm going. I just cry and listen to sad songs. My vision got blurry from all the tears. I was going to a busy road when all of a sudden. CRASH. My car goes flipping over and over. I was up side down. I couldn't even believe this just happend. I was so shocked. I couldn't move. I had a piece of glass in my side and my nose was bleeding. I tried to scream for help but it couldn't come out. I reached for my phone and dialed michaels number.

Ring ring ring ring. No answer
Siri: please leave a voicemail after the tone. BEEP

Alicia: Michael please help me please.

I drop my phone and cry. I dropped it too far so I couldn't call 911. 5 min later I heard sirens and I heard a door slam close. I saw Michael running with tears beaming down his face.

Michael: Alicia omg omg Alicia can you hear me please answer Alicia.

He is sobbing in tears.

Alicia: I-I-I I'm sorry mi-Michael you don't deserve me an-anymore. I have full support for you go-going on tour.

I smile. But very weakly.
He smiles too and cries. I heard another door slam close and I saw fire fighters and police men running towards my car. They got me out of my car and put me in the ambulance. I started to loose my vision everything got blurry. All I could hear was the firefighters talking about how I lost 10% of my blood and I need to get to the emergency room immediately. We arrive there and I was put on a bed. They put white clothes on my and cleaned up my face so blood wasn't dripping down. Soon enough after that. I passed out.

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