~ Chapter 22 ~

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Luisa's POV

9am was the time my phone showed on its display when I woke up. The sky outside my window was grey and clowdy so it didn't change over night. I stood up and took a shower but my hair still didn't want to look good. So I gave up struggeling and made a very messy messy bun. While doing it I touched the place of my head where I had the bruise. I breathed out an looked into the mirror in front of me.

I saw a tall girl with grey eyes that used to glow but now they lost their glance. I can't go on like this. I closed my eyes and my thoughts went back to yesterday when we visited Jones.

-Dan and I were standing in Jones room. I was totally shocked when I saw him. Everywhere were machines to keep him alive and their continuous beeps. It broke my heart to see him lying there. All my feelings went out off my body and I felt empty. Dan barely breathed and I thought he would faint out.

He struggled to stand on his feet but after a while he lurched backwards and slithered down the wall. His legs were pulled tightly on his chest while his head was lying on his knees. I could only hear him sobbing and sat down next to him. I said nothing and put my arms around him. We sat here like this for a while until Ailish came in. Of course she looked said but she didn't cry and that surprised me. Isn't a mother always said when one of their children is... Well is in coma? Of course she is but maybe Ailish learned not to show her pain in public.-

I detached my sight from the mirror and walked downstairs. My nose missed the scent of the breakfast Jones used to makes for us. I don't know why but my mind started to admit that I won't smell his breakfast in the next time. My feet lead me to the fridge and my hands chose a few eggs and some peppers. I hadn't had a recipe for an omelet but I always put all the things in a pan I love. Like I said: eggs, peppers and a few spices ended up in the pan.

-"Come on, Doney." Ailish said while she hold her hand to Dan the help him up. "You can't sit on the bottom." But he didn't seem like he heard his mum. She repeaded his name over and over again though he didn't even showed a reaction. I wasn't sure if I should say something or if I better stay quiet. But after he was still sitting there I sat back down and whispered something into his ear. His head moved slowly to me and his lips formed the words "Ok". Then he stood up and walked on weak knees back to the door. "I'll be back in a minute." He opened the door and left the room.

"What did you say to him?" Ailish wanted to know. "'Stay strong and show your fortitude to Jo.'" I said with a broken voice. Without any premonition, she came closer and hugged me tight. "Thank you." she said relieved. "It seems like you are a good influence on Dan." "Yes, seems like." I replied.-

The stench of incinerated eggs was penetrating in nose. Crap! I removed the pan from the stove and threw the burnt omelet into the bin. Then my view went through the room. I can't stay here anymore. I need a new surrounding, a distraction.

I took the newspaper that Andy brought with her on Monday and searched for something interesting. A few pages later I finally found something. It wasn't really good but it'd divert my thoughts for a while.

Dublin's National Gallery invites:
Museum guides and art workshops for free!
Only on Wednesday!
So come and enjoy.

I copied the adress and changed my clothes. The piece of paper, my phone, some money and my drawing stuff landed in the bag. Then I went to the door of Dan's room and hesitated. Should I knock? Should I walk in straightly? What if he's sleeping? What if he's drunk? The questions in my didn't seem to end. But I had two choices. The first one would be staying here and continue asking myself the questions and the second would be knocking on his door. Then a third one came up: I could leave a message on the table.

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