~ Chapter 29 ~

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Luisa's POV

8am, my alarm clock rang. I wiped the sleep out of my eyes saw a message from Glen on my phone's screen.

Glen: hey Lu :-) I'll be one hour earlier (9am) so you can see Jo one more time before you leave :-) G

Only one hour? Damn... I hadn't packed my stuff so I jumped out of bed, made me ready for the day by talking a shower and collected all my things. I threw them in my suitcase and went downstairs.

8.30am. I made breakfast for me and Dan. But where was he? "Dan?" I shouted one time and he already came down. "I received his message, too." Then he looked at the plates towards me. "Yay, Nutella sandwiches." he grinned. We ate and then I looked for things of mine. "You think you've got them all?" Dan asked. "If not, I'll come back." I smiled and he smiled too. Sure."

I put my suitcase and my handbag next to the door when the bell rang. "Best timing ever." Dan laughed while I opened the door. "Hey Glen." We hugged. "You're ready?" he asked and I nodded. "I'd love to stay longer." "Me too." the boys said in choir.

As I wanted to leave the house I remembered something. "I'll be right back." I said while I ran upstairs. I entered Jo's room and found what I was looking for. The little teddy I gave him back in America. It has been a beautiful time. I put it into my bag and went back down. "Let's go." I said and as we drove away, I looked back at the house that changed everything.

It's been two day since I've been here the last time but the hospital didn't change. Not even the old lady in the waiting area had moved. We went upstairs, yes this time to the third floor, and before we went in Glen and Dan said. "We'll be waiting here." I nodded and entered the room.

My heart felt heavy every time I saw him lying there. I fought against the tears which wanted to grow. I pulled a chair next to his bed and sat down. By lying my hand on his, I felt his heat. "I'm sorry." I said with a low voice. "You don't deserve that." I stopped fighting and a tear run free. My eyes were closed now and I remembered that I had something for him. I bend and grabbed for the teddy. "Do you remember? The first time I gave it to you I had to leave. Now I have to leave a second time." I placed the teddy on the table next to his bed. "But I'll come back for sure." I sobbed, still fighting against the tears. "I promise." I whispered.

I sat next to him for a while. Then someone knocked and put his head through the door. It was Dan. "We have to go." "OK." I said. "One minute?" Dan nodded and closed the door. "You've heard it. I have to go now." I stood up and pushed the chair back to its place. Then I walked back to him, bend and closed my eyes when I kissed his cheek. "We'll do it in the right way, I promise." I went to the door but before I opened it I looked a last time at Jo. "I love you." My voice was only a breath and now I let the tears run down my cheeks.

"Now I'm ready to go." I said when I stood next to Dan outside the room. "You've got goosebumps." Glen said. "Yes, I'm a bit cold." I answered. "Take my jacket." Dan added and pulled it off. Thankfully I took it. It was warm and I smiled. "Thank you, Dan." "You're welcome."

At the airport Mark waited for us. "Luu." he shouted and gave him a high-five. "Good girl." He turned to Dan. "Why do you let her go? I wanna keep her." Dan and Mark played a little fighting scene but Glen and I went in. The other two followed us now but they were still laughing. But as soon as we found a place to sit down they stopped. "The time flew by too fast." Dan said after a while. "I can't believe you've been here for two weeks." "Me neither." I replied, closed my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I'll miss you. All of you." I said sadly. And Jones... I added silently. "Yes, we'll miss you t- What? We have to hurry. Your plane will leave in 10 minutes!" Glen said and immediately we all ran to the gate. "This is gonna be a short goodbye." Mark said and hugged me in the next second. "Stay like who you are." "I will." "Promise" "Yes, Mark, I promise." Glen was next. While I hugged him he whispered in my ear. "Thank you." At first I had no idea what he had meant. "You literally saved his life." Then he looked at my hand. "Take care. You're a great pianist. Don't overdo yourself." "I won't." I said. "I promise." I added fastly with a smile. Last but not least Dan hold me tight in his arms. He said nothing but when he pushed me a bit backwards I saw more in his eyes than he could ever have said in the short time that was left. "You're welcome." I whispered. "I hope I'll see you again." "We all want to see you again. And to be honest, we can fly you in whenever you want to." Mark said with a blink. Dan looked at him and Glen, both nodded and left us alone.

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