~ Chapter 26 ~

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Luisa's POV

When I woke up I found myself in Dan's bed and immediately I remembered the reason I was here: Dan's nightmare.

I decided to go back to my own room but leaving the bed by making no sound is difficult but viable. I nearly stepped on Glen because I totally forgot that he was here. He sat on a wall and was still sleeping with Dan's phone in his hand. I opened the door silently and closed it the same way behind me.

I sat down on my bed and grabbed for my phone. 8am. The group was spaming again and was too lazy to read through all the messages.

Me: what's going on?

Miri: Doro and Chris left the group and anyone knows why :/

Harm: and we all should delete their numbers... That's confusing :0

Yes, it is!

Anna: @Lu can you ask them what's going on?

I wanted to answer but someone knocked on my door and not even a second later, Glen stood in my room. "Have you seen Dan?" his voice was silent and worrying. "Isn't he in his bed?" I replied and Glen shook his head. "He put cushions under his cover to make us think he is still there. But he isn't. I can't even believe that he could left the room without making a sound. Not after the nightmare he had." I opened my mouth to say something but Glen already answered my question. "I've already looked downstairs and in every room. He is anywhere."

"Maybe he's in the garden. Have you searched there?" I suggested. "No." he replied. "OK, I'll help you searching." I could imagine that he is there. We slept a whole night out there under the stars and it was the place where we calmed ourselves.

"By the way, why have you both left the group?" I asked while we went downstairs. "Isn't it obvious?" Glen riposted from behind me. "Oh, yes. I'm sorry." I replied. "Don't be sad. You're the only one who is allowed to keep our numbers. And to be honest Dan does not know that I left the group in his name." "Really?" I laughed and Glen grinned while he opened the glass door.

My feet leaded me directly to the place where I and Dan have slept that one night. And he was actually there. Sitting in the grass, he had pulled his arms around his legs. His head laid on his knees and his eyes were closed. "Dan?" I asked carefully. After a few seconds of hesitation he looked up and turned his head until our eyes met. His eyes show darkness, loneliness and more emotions which I couldn't figure out. But one thing I know for sure. He had cried again. Wordless I spread my arms und pulled him close. "You're not alone." My voice whispered. He replied something that sounds like a "Thank you." but it was only a breath.

"Do you come back inside?" Glen's voice asked from behind me after a while. I stood up but Dan was still sitting on the ground. "Dan?" Glen repeated but Dan didn't hear him. I looked at the startled Glen and suddenly I remembered something. "Dan?" I whispered and he turned head and looked sadly at me again. "Come on Dan. Get yourself up." I said friendly with a smile. He began to move and Glen marvelled. But he was too weak to stay on his feet so Glen and I supported him on the way back to the house. We placed him on the sofa where he laid down.

Glen took my arm and pulled me all the way to the kitchen. "Did you see that?" he said in a silent tone. "What?" I replied in the same tone. "He didn't even blink when I asked him to stand up and then you just say "Come on." and he moved?" I hesitated. "Ailish said something like this before. She said that it seems like I am a good influence on him." "When did she say that?" "When we were visiting Jones in the hospital. Ailish wanted him to stand up too and said it over and over again but he didn't show any reaction to her." "And then you said it and he did it." Glen finished the sentence. "Yes. But why? Why me?" I asked but Glen shrugged. "It seems like you're the only one he's listing to. Like you're his savior."

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