~ Chapter 27 ~

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**Warning. This chapter contains stronger language!**

Luisa's POV

Immediately Dan let my hand go and ran out of the room. "He died?" Glen was shocked. "Jones O'Donoghue?" The lady looked at us. "Oh, no. I confused the names. I've meant Mr. O'Donnolouw. See." she pointed on the patients file that was lying on the table. And of course "Michael Rupert O'Donnolouw ".

It was only a confusion, for god sake! "Thank you." Glen said quickly and grabbed for my arm to pull me out of the room. "What a bitch! But now you have to find Dan as fast as possible!" he almost shouted. "You go downstairs and I'll find out where Jones is. GO!" Glen shouted at me and in the next second I saw him running to the next doctor. What the hell are you waiting for?! RUN!

I was still in shock but my legs made their way to the next staircase. I took every third step and flew around the bends. As I reached the floor I was surprised that I hadn't fallen. An old lady was sitting in the waiting area next to the entrance. "Sorry. Have you seen a tall young man?" I asked while I struggled to breath. "Yes, he left the building only a few seconds before. He lurched through the entrance and he looked not good." She went on but I already left her by a short "Fuck! Thank you!" "Ey, that's not a nice way to talk to an old lady!" she said angrily but I ignored her.

I ran through the front doors and I saw him. He walked straight away. "Dan!" I shouted as loud as possible and started to run. "Stop Dan!" He turned around. His face was pale and his eyes red. "No!" he screamed back and I stopped. "I've ruined it!" He turned back around and went on. "Dan! STOP!!" But he didn't. I ran after him but I couldn't get any closer. "He's alive!" I screamed and he stopped. "How do you know?" Our eyes met even if we had almost 50 meters between us.

No words could describe him but one thing was sure. He was broken. Broken in almost every single way someone could be broke. His heart can't take it all. I could see it. No, I could feel it. I felt it like it was my own pain that tried to pull me down.

"Danny! You're awesome. And I don't say this as a fangirl. I say this as a friend. You went through so much pain and you struggled a lot in your past. But look where you're now. That's all you received so far." I slowly went closer. He shook his head. "I've got nothing!" he screamed. "You, Glen and Mark are going to release the fourth album, isn't that something you want? To live your dream of being successful with making music? You're the most passionate person I've ever got to know. Is that nothing? No! You might not realize it but you're living a dream. You played the world grea-" "A dream?! My brother is lying in fucking coma!!"

Jones' POV

The rain got heavier as I reached the M50. Why did you left Luke's? The voice in my head didn't leave me. I drove more than five minutes before I saw a little red car standing on the right side. The woman waved at me and I stopped next to her. "What happened?" I asked after I opened a window. "I can't start my car." she said shivering. Wet brown hair fell around her fave and her green eyes looked pleading at me. "Can you please help me?" I couldn't say no because I was probably the only one in a mile around here. "Sure." I answered and cautionary I put on the brighter lights of my car before I went out. If a car is coming closer I'll see us. I went to her and she gave me the wires I need to connect with my car. As I did it she wanted to start hers but in the same moment we heard the splintering sound of wood. The electricity pole next to us broke and it's top fell down. Immediately I pulled the woman away from the cars. No second later the pole fell on our cars and destroyed their roofs. The lantern, the lights of my car and all the other lights of Dublin turned off and we stood in a pitch black stormy night on a motorway.

Luisa's POV

Dan stepped closer to the street. He looked at me and without taking a look for cars he put a foot on it. Panic went through my whole body. No. No! He won't!! I wasn't able to swallow as he walked to the middle. "Dan! NO!" I heard Glen's voice from the front doors. I followed Glen's view and saw the bus coming closer. But the driver couldn't see Dan because he was around the corner. Immediately my feet ran like they never ran before. The world seemed to be in slow-motion. I couldn't get any closer to him. "Daaaaan!" I screeched but he looked at the ground and was already on the street. I tried to ran faster and I could barely breath when I felt the bus almost behind me. I didn't even think about it but I jumped. I jumped on the street to push Dan away. And the bus was closer than I thought.

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