~ Chapter 36 ~

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Danny's POV

I wasn't able to sleep after I wrote the words down and formed it into a song. 7:48 am. I stood up and walked downstairs to make coffee. While I was drinking it I grabbed my phone and send Glen and Mark a message.

Me: got an idea for a new song. It'll be a slow one. 11am at the studio

I got up, took a shower and drove to the hospital. Same floor, same room, same people. But then I remembered the little girl from yesterday and a smile appeared on my face. With it on my face I opened the door and went in but immediately stopped after one step. "Who the hell are you?"

Luisa's POV

Tessy and I had become closer friends. When I first saw her I thought she would be more bitchy but she's really nice. She cares about everything and everyone. We spend the last night sitting on the stairs and talking. I can't even remember but it was a lot we talked about. I remember she told me that one member of her family is really sick but I never asked for more details.

The thing is, the more we become friends, the more I feel guilty because I can't tell her about what really happened in Dublin. It's been more then three and a half week since I Jo picked me up at the airport and one and a half since Dan brought me back. Only a half week left until you're back home.

Danny's POV

A young lady stood text to Jo's bed. I haven't seen her before. She looked at me and her eyes widened. "I-I-I'm M-Molly." she stammered. "And what are you doing here?" I asked. She opened her mouth but no words came out.

Molly's POV

This morning I decided to go to the hospital. Not because I feel sick, no, I want to see what I did to Jones. He got hurt that day on the motorway and I've heard that he's still at the Beaumont Hospital. So why not come over for a day?

One of the nurses I asked where I would find Jones -yes, I don't know his last name- finally told me. I made my way up to the third floor and found the right room. Standing in front of the door, I took a deep breath before I knocked three times and waited. "He won't answer." a male voice behind me said. I turned around and saw into the serious face of a doctor. "He's lying in coma. Come with me." he said and opened the door and went in.

I was still in shock so I was barely able to move but somehow I made it into the room. There were so many tubes and wires and machines and beeps. And Jones laid right in the middle. "Thank you." I said to the doctor who has already been gone. Strange man.

I walked next to Jones. "I'm so fcking sorry." I whispered. "I didn't want this to be happened." I paused and looked around the room.

Flowers were standing on the table, a little teddy sat next to them and as I turned back to Jones I saw a man standing one step in the room. "Who the hell are you?" he asked with a husky voice that I now too well. This I Danny, the frontman from The Script! "I-I-I'm M-Molly." I stammered. "And what are you doing here?" he asked. I opened my mouth to reply but I couldn't speak. Why is Danny here? Why do I meet him when my sister is the fan? Shouldn't he record the new album my sister is looking for for weeks? Oh my gosh, my sister's idol stays in front of me!! "I-I'm visit-ting J-Jones." I said with a shivering voice. Calm down, calm down. "In what kind of relation are you with my brother?" Why is he asking so much? Is Jones his boyfriend? Is Danny gay? I knew it! But wait?! Didn't he just say "my brother"? Oh my gosh, no! I brought his bother to the hospital. Is he going to kill me now? I have get out of here. "N-None." I stammered. "None rela-ation. I-I have to g-go."

Immediately I left the room without taking another look at Danny. So embarrassing! I almost ran the way to the elevator but before I reached it someone hold my arm. Danny. He looked at me but I couldn't tell what he was thinking. His hazel eyes seemed to check every single freckle on my face then he looked into my eyes. "I want to know who you are and which role my brother plays in your life." His voice was only a whisper but I heard anger and curiosity. "Not here." I replied. "Right here, right now!" he said.

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