~ Chapter 30 ~

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Danny's POV

Today had been exhausting. After we left the airport we went straight into the studio. I made dinner when I came back home and laid down on my bed. Then my phone rang. It was Andi.

"Hey, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm fine. I said bye to Lu and recorded new songs."

"Sure you're ok? Your voice doesn't sound like that."

"As I said, we've recorded new songs and how would your voice be like when you sang the whole day long?"

She laughed. "Yes, you're right. Can the girls and I come over tomorrow?"

"I don't know. I think I have to work."

"Dan? Tomorrow's Sunday. You won't work on a Sunday."

"Oh." I laughed. "Then you can come."

"I do only come over when you really want it."

"Did my answer sound like I don't want to see my sister?"

"Dan..." she sighed.

"Andi..." I sighted too with a smile. "I'd love when you and the girls come over."

"OK. Is 1pm ok?"


"Then I'll bring some food. See you tomorrow."



I know I'm not the only one when I say I'm walking aimlessly through the house while calling someone. When I hung up I found myself in the living room and then I laid down on the sofa and watched a movie I've watched more than twenty times. But I'm still in love with.

"Run Forrest, run!"

Luisa's POV

"It's so dark in here." Laura voice was frightened. "Too dark for me." "Calm down, Laura." I said bugged. "You're already 18 but you shit yourself in the dark." "Yeah, I know. But since we watched the horror movie I can't sleep in darkness." "That was all fake. You know that. Not even the fly on the wall died. It has been a fake fly." "What's up with you?" "Nothing." "No, not nothing!" I heard how she jumped off the bed and sat down next to me. "Tell me. What's wrong?" her voice was soft but I ignored her. "Lu! Tell me." "It's nothing." I turned my back to her. "Lu..." She breathed out as she gave up and climbed back on her bed.

My iPod laid under my cushion because it had to recharge and I wanted anyone to find it. I put my earphones in and put my playlist on shuffle. With closed eyes I listened to every single word, to every single tone until I fell asleep.

"Wake up. Breakfast time." Someone knocked on the door. "Who the hell is this at..." Laura paused. "7am? Why?" "Because it's breakfast time." I replied sarcastically with the same squeaky sounding voice as Lea. Laura laughed but whined then "I was excited to spend two weeks with my best friend in a little camp but now I wish I'd have decided to fly to another place. What do you think of Barcelona?" "Sounds way better than this place here." I replied and left my bed. "But we have to go through this." Lea groaned and when she finally left her bed, I was already dressed.
"You could walk straight through hell with a smile." Laura said. "Since when do you quote The Script?" I asked. "I know you like them." she smiled. "OK, love them. And I doubt you want to make me stop quoting them." She was still smiling and I started smiling too. "Let's see if it'll work." I replied. "But first I need breakfast. So get dressed!"

Lea was waiting for us and it seemed like we were the last and everyone was waiting for us. "Whoops." I whispered when we sat down and Laura laughed. "They won't kill us." she whispered back. Lea walked on a little platform in front of all the people. "Hello, my name is Lea as you already might know. I'm the head of the camp and I hope we all will be friends for the next weeks. Have a nice breakfast." With a huge smile that was already bigger than her face, Lea left the room. "What the hell?" Laura looked at me. "Is she serious? I don't want to be her friend." "Same." I answered. "Come on. Let's get our breakfast. I'm starving." "You can only think of food, can't you?" I smirked and shrugged. "That's who I am."

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