~ Chapter 33 ~

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Danny's POV

I spend the night on the balcony by watching the brightness of the moon. I stretched and went back in. I noticed that I still haven't bought any groceries. After I searched through the fridge I finally found a few eggs, leeks and a red pepper. I threw them in a pan and refined it with salt.

While I was eating I noticed that the next days won't change:

1. visiting Jo
2. recording songs
and maybe 3. hanging out with Glen and Mark or the first point again.

I sighed and got up to clean the pan and the plate. I jumped under the shower and got dressed. Then I called a taxi because Mark drove me home yesterday. He didn't want me to drive as I was sad. I was glad about it because he was right. I could have been the reason for an accident and I couldn't let this happen.

The hoot of the taxi pulled me back to the reality. I grabbed my keys and my lyrics book. When I slept on the balcony I kinda wrote a new song and I want to show it the others today.

I locked the door and got into the taxi that drove me to the hospital. "Good morning, Danny." I turned around and saw Cindy smiling at me. "Morning." I mumbled and passed her.

Every time I enter the room a shiver is running over my skin. It still hurts to see him lying there. I sat down and told him about last night and the song I wrote. And that he inspired me for this one.

-2 days later-

My life is pretty monotone but Mark was right. I cannot just stop being who I am and I can't change myself. It's my job to write songs, to record them and to spread them out to the entire world. Even my world is broken and I'm drowning inside my own body because of the amount of feelings I have at the moment. Can it please get easier? No, it won't and I knew that.

At least the others loved the new song and we have already recorded it. We're almost done with the recodings that's why Mark and Glen wanted to go out this evening. I agreed because if I hadn't they would have take me there.

Luisa's POV

It's been two days since the periscope and I tried to get out of the others ways. I really tried to explain why Glen knows me.

-"I've met him in an instrument store in London and he showed me how to play the song." I said. Tessy looked at me. "But why does he still know your name or recognize you?" "It has been two weeks since I've met him and we had a little talk about guitars and drums and that stuff." They do not look like they believe me.-

But we almost finished the front of the house. It was glowing in green, white and orange and we wrote '#TheScriptFamily' above the door. Dan, Mark and Glen were also on the walls. "We're taking the photo now." Lea said with glowing eyes. "You guys did an awesome job."

But I didn't go to the others in front of the house. "Come on, Lu. What are you waiting for?" Jess asked and I walked to them. "You took part in this so you have to be on the photo too." she whispered and we all smiled when Lea took a photo with her old fashioned camera and then one more with Tessy's. "I'm gonna post it on Twitter later." she smiled.

"When are you going to tell them?" Laura asked after we sat a while on the rock in the forest. "I don't know. I promised Jo and Dan not to tell anyone."

Why can't Laura just admit that I don't want to tell them? It's my decision and I've already made it!

Mark's POV

"Mark." Glen walked to me. "Look at this." He hold his phone in front of my face. "They painted their house's front." "That's cool." I said. "Wait! Is this Lu?" Before I could take a closer look Glen zoomed in and turned the phone back so he could see the screen. "You're right and here's the girl from the periscope too." "Periscope?" I asked. "Yes, wanna watch it?" I nodded. "But please don't tell Danny. He's over it." "Yeah, I know what you mean."

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