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Word count: 1169



I woke up excited to see Ashton. I got ready and did everything I needed to do before lots of people were in the school. I just sat in the corner of the cafeteria on my phone and waited for classes to start, the tables were all taken. The warning bell rang and I went to my first class. Visual Art.

As I entered art class, I realised that the class was filled mainly with girls. I don't know why I didn't see this yesterday. It's fine, girls are always seen as more artistic but that doesn't mean boys can't be there too. 

Once the bell that means class started rang, our teacher, Mr. Gald, took attendance and assigned seats alphabetically by last names and I ended up next to a boy named Calum H or something like that. He looks like a sweet but cool kid. I overheard the other boys say I fit in with all the girls. Very funny. Come up with something original, maybe then I'll laugh. 

I like drawing and am good at it but this teacher has a different opinion. We were told to draw our personal devil or demon. We only had this period which is like 1.5 hours so everyone's work was rushed, I just did a detailed sketch, I got no time for colouring.

I drew a character in a male body. It had fangs, metal wings, blood all over it's body, 5 hands and 2 feet. In addition, I added knifes and daggers into each hand. It has an evil look and isn't happy or nice.

It might not be generally creative but it's my devil. My demon. My destroyer. The one who is always against me once I finally am able to deal with myself, it breaks me. It is one who wants to put up a fight and will just win without fighting. It has power that it puts on display for the reason of making me scared and unwilling to confront it.

I named it Lucifer. I mean, it always had that name, that's who (or what) it is.

I peaked over at Calum's work and saw that he had more of a monster. One that looked like it could be straight out of a movie, but mine seems extremely unrealistic as well. Calum's monster was shaped like a messed up dinosaur mixed up with a blob. It was cool and gross, it looked like the insides of a person if I'm being honest. Maybe it's the inside of him, just like mine is.

The teacher went around the rooms and collected our work. Then he hung up our work on the board in front of the class. Yay. My personal battle up for everyone to see. I wished that we were at least told that the others would see our work. Then I'd make it less intense and change things. Less blood, no daggers, stronger wings, better body. I'd change everything.

But before he could hand mine up, he said "Mr. Hemmings, is this yours?"

How am I supposed to answer that. No, that isn't mine, it's Bob the Builders. "Yes sir." was all I could get out.

"I understand that my instructions were to make a demon or devil am I right?"

Everyone nodded, including myself. But I knew where this was going.

"Then why," he continued "did you feel the need to make yours into a murderer? We still are in school."

Everyone laughed, a snicker. God, if you want to laugh then just laugh. 

I wanted to tell him all the things that it is me on the inside or the fact that he never put restrictions on what to draw, but I know better than that. So instead, I let out a quiet "Sorry sir." and that was it. I knew the Calum kid next to me was looking at me. I knew he wanted to laugh like the rest of the class but he didn't.

I pulled out my phone as Mr. Gald was hanging up the rest of the demons. Many of which were ghosts and skeletons.

"Hey, I think your demon is actually really good." Calum said quietly, breaking the seemingly awkward silence between us.

"Thanks, but you don't have to lie. It's too violent and it shouldn't even be on the board because it's not school appropriate." I replied.

[C: CALUM       L: LUKE]

C: "Honestly. I hate this teacher already. And the class." He looked over to the boys in the corner the whispered "Jerks."

L: "It better not be because of me. Cuz if it is, leave it."

C: "Nah, I've had classes with them in previous years. They're horrible."

L: "When did you start going to this school?"

C: "Freshman year. You?"

L: "Nah. First year here, last year of high school."

C: "Ah, I've been here all my high school life."

L: "So, you know other people right? Like are there any specific ones to stay away from? I mean, just don't say everyone."

C: "I mean, basically everyone here are assholes so just beware."

L: "Not surprised."

C: "Yeah, I mean there are a few kids that seem fine but like I don't know them. Just one person everyone knows. He's not bad, just mysterious. Everyone knows him, he rules the school but is always alone. He also never talks, so don't try."

L: "Who?"

C: "Ashton."

L: "Irwin?"

C: "You know him?"

L: "Uh um. I mean yes."

C: "How?"

L: "Well, we have Chemistry together. And um, we talked yesterday in the cafeteria, we have spare at the same time, after lunch."

C: "No way. That boy never talks, I've never heard his voice except for like 5 times and I've been in this school for like 4 years, so has he."

L: "Oh. Strange."

C: "Yeah. Just be careful okay? I haven't heard anything bad about him but he seems like he has things to hide."

L: "I should be fine."

C: "Should. I just wouldn't trust any-"

Teacher: "Having a nice conversation are we Mr. Hood and Mr. Hemmings? Sorry to bother you but there's a class here too."

C: "I'm sorry that we chose to do something while you were hanging up the sheets. I don't see what else we could've done."

I was shocked. This kid knows how to talk back with so much sass but yet not say anything bad and the words are respectful.

Teacher: "Now, I will just be saying that over the time of this course, you will be creating things to fight your demon, you will also create a hero to fight with and this will all add up to your final assignment. Wait for the bell then you may be dismissed."

Great. Now I have to "fight" this creature more than I already do. I can't wait for what people will say when they see what I'll be drawing to fight this thing.

I love our accepting generation.

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